Recent content by the66electric

  1. the66electric

    Traffic soundtrack

    Yeah its called 'Ascent (An ending) and its from the Apollo album he did with Roger Eno and Daniel Lanois. Its exactly half shit and half fucking brilliant.
  2. the66electric

    Whelan's into Mono.........?

    Whats the rates in Whelans? the only times i've played there its been oragnised by someone else.
  3. the66electric

    I think i've got indigestion...

    Not giving your tummy timeout Jeffrey?
  4. the66electric

    A little help, there, Butch?

    Get amate who worksin an office to steal you a shit load. Works pour moi...
  5. the66electric

    They've been known to rock out a bit more than you might expect...

    If you are the next U2, can i visit you and your lovely wife in Killiney? You don't have to pick me up, I'll get the DART...
  6. the66electric

    Whitesnake/gary Moore

    Give me Steve Vai any day.
  7. the66electric

    Dirty Sanchez

    I just don't see what is fucking funny about this kind of shit. Clowns.
  8. the66electric

    Oxo mum in firebomb attack!

  9. the66electric

    Voodoos improved

    I bet 'the spiders' rule. RULE ALL!!!
  10. the66electric

    Liam Gallagher

    He just called to my house and hit me a straightener right in my mash face. That showed me... Everyone is great...
  11. the66electric

    ballroom smahamallroom.

    I was a tea totaller for a few years and its a fucking eye opener, i tells ya.
  12. the66electric

    Liam Gallagher

    No, he just 'shined' his way through life.
  13. the66electric

    Liam Gallagher

    They cunt can hardly speak as well.
  14. the66electric

    You fucking black emperors!!!

    they'd wanna be careful if they are sitting down and they are that deep. they may drown.
  15. the66electric

    ballroom smahamallroom.

    I was wondering when someone was going to ask that.