seanc's latest activity

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    seanc reacted to magicbastarder's post in the thread The WTF Thread with
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    seanc reacted to magicbastarder's post in the thread The WTF Thread with
    Checking into a hotel in Westport, and there's a painting at reception of the virgin Mary cradling pope JPII.
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    seanc replied to the thread The WTF Thread.
    I assume you mean to say: Why TF isn't that picture in every hotel reception? Also, pics or it didn't happen.
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    seanc reacted to Anthony's post in the thread Your Health Is Your Wealth with
    Had an unusual bout of energy yesterday. Got up at 9am and was constantly on the go until bed. From lawn mowing to epic clean up. Must...
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    seanc reacted to Anthony's post in the thread Minor Pleasures with
    Oh and as for sound people to work with. On my 50th the threw a party in the canteen, 100% surprise because it was 2 days later and I...
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    seanc replied to the thread Minor Pleasures.
    There was a (not completely) wheelchair bound person on the train today. Quite chatty, I learned that she's staying in a hotel near me...
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    I like that you're doing it for the kids. I would have thought all TV would coalesce if you'd asked me 20 years ago. And it hasn't at...
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    Paid for my first ever streaming service over the weekend, a year of Disney + for a hundred euro. Seems stupidly cheap. Attempting to...
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    seanc replied to the thread Minor complaints thread.
    Ha, yeah, that was quite a rambling rant I did there. I was interested in watching the England game and the (later) Turkey Netherlands...
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    seanc replied to the thread Minor complaints thread.
    Work just asked me to work at 06:00 tomorrow. "I thought maybe since you're Irish, you might do it because no one else wants to"...
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    seanc reacted to chris d's post in the thread Minor Pleasures with
    You must have looked very surprised.
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    seanc replied to the thread BREXIT.
    He knows a good toolmaker. He also knows a guy who's out of work, but that guy's dad was a GP.
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    seanc replied to the thread BREXIT.
    I know a few of you know more about that part of the world than I do. I guess if it's transcending sectarian divides, then that's good...
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    seanc reacted to ann post's post in the thread BREXIT with
    From being there* a lot, i'd kinda say it's a bit more becoming like here - if the local TD is effective they are winning favour, rather...
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    seanc replied to the thread BREXIT.
    Or just other people voting. Demographic changes?