seanc's latest activity

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    seanc reacted to Anthony's post in the thread Minor Pleasures with
    Renegotiated my vodafone contract yesterday, got rid of TV and landline (haven't turned the TV on in 2 years) and doubled the speed of...
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    seanc replied to the thread london logistics.
    Didn't know Jesus ever had to escape Heathrow airport on a strict time limit. There's nothing wrong with trying to be helpful. I've...
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    seanc replied to the thread Jaysus cycling!.
    I've always respected you from afar, and I respect you more now.
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    seanc reacted to ann post's post in the thread Jaysus cycling! with
    No because I worked in a bike workshop for a year and we needed to know what size things actually were. The last time I had to buy one I...
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    seanc replied to the thread Jaysus cycling!.
    I'm quiet aware of that, but would you not say "twenty two inch wheel" or whatever as shorthand. No one has ever asked me to get a...
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    seanc reacted to ann post's post in the thread Jaysus cycling! with
    The legacy stds are still based on metric values all told, it's just placating the brits that it's written in stupid. Anywhoo It wasn't...
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    seanc replied to the thread Jaysus cycling!.
    Surely all you bicycle nuts know about imperial because of legacy standards? What diameter are your tires like?
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    seanc replied to the thread london logistics.
    I knew it
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    seanc replied to the thread london logistics.
    @BOTicelli Show me a picture of a digital ham.
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    seanc replied to the thread Major Complaints Thread.
    A certain head of finance will be shown this thread as an additional attachment to my latest invoice, and the other invoices.
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    seanc reacted to Unicron's post in the thread Major Complaints Thread with
    In addition to all my other jobs I do the payroll here and one payday I turned my one of those on and I got a "low battery" message on...
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    seanc replied to the thread london logistics.
    Need to know where you're going in London really. I would say it's v unlikely in any case. I would say no then.maybe from City airport.
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    seanc replied to the thread london logistics.
    Need to know where you're going in London really. I would say it's v unlikely in any case.
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    seanc replied to the thread 2020-21 Football thread.
    Eight teams in London today, and four more nearby, there's a palpable atmosphere around here. There's also the Hackney half marathon...
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    seanc replied to the thread 2020-21 Football thread.
    Apparently the Arsenal team are staying in the hotel next to where I'm working today.