Recent content by Politakill

  1. P

    Hungry Hungry Hippos Vs. Pop up Pirate...

    I personally preferred this
  2. P

    Extreme adventures in Rep!

  3. P

    Extreme adventures in Rep!

    I couldnt tell ya' should seek the person who left it in my rep to find the answer. He has a bunch of grapes in his pants awaiting you at the end of the Labrynth
  4. P

    Friday Nights In Dublin

    The Old Wesley rugby club in Donnybrook is fairly decent on Fridays
  5. P

    Extreme adventures in Rep!

    'you got the mind of a lonley child'. guess who wrote that, you stupid cunt.. ....I hurt someones feelings awwww
  6. P

    Extreme adventures in Rep!

    Does this soothe the burning shine?
  7. P

    Extreme adventures in Rep!

    Yeah I really have made an effort in my posts to come across as a shining thumped community member
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  9. P

    So...Against me to play TBMC

    I'll still go along if it doesn't clash with anything half decent
  10. P

    Bored In Work 182

  11. P

    Why the hell can you not copy n paste using Firefox in this site

    I have no problems copying and pasting with firefox. To find out your version click on Help and then "About mozilla firefox"
  12. P

    Bohs christmas gig part two (non sunday working thread)

    Abra are a pack of Colin Farrell gold card shit making food wankers!