Recent content by ludwig_zwei

  1. L

    guests and lurkers - why won't you register?

    I like cheese
  2. L


    Got hit twice already today (feeling REALLY popular). The second time, I felt a strange urge to open the attachment and see what it does...then I copped myself on and deleted. Stupid self-destructive instincts. I've read that it sends out emails to any address it can find on your computer...
  3. L

    Whatcha listening to?

    Music for summer lovin' Hum. Amon Duul II - Yeti Steve Malkmus and the Jicks - Pig Lib Bob Dylan - Bootleg Series 1 + 2 (but 3 is shit) Television - The Blow-Up In no particular order.
  4. L

    Pink Floyd

    Ocks Tail Nah, the Floyd are all right, in a poncy English airy-fairy kind of way. There's just better stuff out there, like Roy Orbison, or Billy Joel. Or Amon Duul.
  5. L

    Ballroom #9 Review

    Rule of Music Journalism no. something: Instrumental rock => sounds like mogwai Saves thinking.
  6. L

    best news ever

    I think the early stuff is the best (and A Thousand Leaves is brilliant too). But as they say, for every monkey...
  7. L

    Ballroom #9 Aftermath

    Three cheers for farmyard animals in a blender/Homer's soothing sounds of the sea. Wonderful stuff.
  8. L

    New thursday night shenanigans

    And who wouldn't be partial to a bit of 'sludge'?
  9. L

    best news ever

    Not sure about BORIS, but the Boredoms are definitely #1 in my List of Still Existing Bands that I Really Want to See Live Before they Stop Existing.
  10. L

    best news ever

    Isn't it BORIS? Capitalisation showing that they're, like, hard and all...
  11. L

    no disco 15th Jan

    It' s Stef Kamil Carlens, the original bassist (he left after In a Bar, Under the Sea)...the man behind the rather very good Moondog Jr./Zita Swoon...haven't heard this Millionaire thing yet though (no TV)
  12. L

    pete townsend...

    What Ro said.
  13. L

    More Famous Dead,Dolerean, Leander

    Leandra is "a exorbitant female singer"
  14. L

    More Famous Dead,Dolerean, Leander

    Leander was a great computer game.
  15. L

    pete townsend...

    From what I've seen (um, the BBC News website), the press are being quite forgiving in Pete Townshend's case, in contrast to the usual lynch-mob baiting. Then again, I don't know what the Sun's saying. Maybe he did do it out of good motives; on the other hand, he did break a rather serious...