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  1. L

    guests and lurkers - why won't you register?

    I like cheese
  2. L


    Got hit twice already today (feeling REALLY popular). The second time, I felt a strange urge to open the attachment and see what it does...then I copped myself on and deleted. Stupid self-destructive instincts. I've read that it sends out emails to any address it can find on your computer...
  3. L

    Whatcha listening to?

    Music for summer lovin' Hum. Amon Duul II - Yeti Steve Malkmus and the Jicks - Pig Lib Bob Dylan - Bootleg Series 1 + 2 (but 3 is shit) Television - The Blow-Up In no particular order.
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    Pink Floyd

    Ocks Tail Nah, the Floyd are all right, in a poncy English airy-fairy kind of way. There's just better stuff out there, like Roy Orbison, or Billy Joel. Or Amon Duul.
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    Ballroom #9 Review

    Rule of Music Journalism no. something: Instrumental rock => sounds like mogwai Saves thinking.
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    best news ever

    I think the early stuff is the best (and A Thousand Leaves is brilliant too). But as they say, for every monkey...
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    Ballroom #9 Aftermath

    Three cheers for farmyard animals in a blender/Homer's soothing sounds of the sea. Wonderful stuff.
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    New thursday night shenanigans

    And who wouldn't be partial to a bit of 'sludge'?
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    best news ever

    Not sure about BORIS, but the Boredoms are definitely #1 in my List of Still Existing Bands that I Really Want to See Live Before they Stop Existing.
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    best news ever

    Isn't it BORIS? Capitalisation showing that they're, like, hard and all...
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    no disco 15th Jan

    It' s Stef Kamil Carlens, the original bassist (he left after In a Bar, Under the Sea)...the man behind the rather very good Moondog Jr./Zita Swoon...haven't heard this Millionaire thing yet though (no TV)
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    pete townsend...

    What Ro said.
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    More Famous Dead,Dolerean, Leander

    Leandra is "a exorbitant female singer"
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    More Famous Dead,Dolerean, Leander

    Leander was a great computer game.
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    pete townsend...

    From what I've seen (um, the BBC News website), the press are being quite forgiving in Pete Townshend's case, in contrast to the usual lynch-mob baiting. Then again, I don't know what the Sun's saying. Maybe he did do it out of good motives; on the other hand, he did break a rather serious...
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    You obviously have not yet met those who are METAL. Cause they've got longer hair.
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    Question for the songwriters

    It only works if you're cool.
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    Question for the songwriters

    Repetition can lead to genius. Take Wesley Willis for example. He has about 20 albums out, almost always using the same dodgy keyboard backing track. But does it hinder his creativity? Hell, no - check out Rock n' Roll McDonalds or I Wupped Batman's Ass (both on Wesley Willis' Greatest Hits Vol...
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    I remember getting bored of Bakesale very quickly, due to the MOR tendencies that appeared once they started investing in proper production values. I've got it lying around somewhere, maybe I should listen to it again...
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    III is a nice album, once you get over the fact that most of the songs sound the same, after that they got a bit more mid-fi and lost some of their charm. Harmacy is good, though. I always preferred the Folk Implosion (another of Lou Barlow's bands) - they did a really good album that was about...