Recent content by DEndeavours

  1. D

    Keyboard/Synth Player Needed - Dublin

    We posted here a while back and got a great response. We found a superb guitarist and drummer and have been gigging since Jan. Our album is now ready, but we are in need of a keyboard/synth player to complete our line up. The following would be ultimately what we're looking to fill in the...
  2. D

    Musicians Wanted for Dublin band

    Can send you a few demos no probs. Won't have published links for 2 weeks until music is ready, but if you pm me an email addy or email the above, can pass some stuff on for sure. What do you play?
  3. D

    Musicians Wanted for Dublin band

    We’ve been hard at work for a year on a project that is very close to our (collective) hearts. Coming towards the end of 2011, we (Donal - Vocals, Lyrics, Guitar, Rob - Vocals, Bass and Brian - Guitar, Synth) decided that we had the guts of an album, which we had been writing separately for...