What you been listening to this week? (4 Viewers)

Roger Waters - Radio KAOS
I don't know what possessed me to listen to this naff 80s rubbish*. Actually, it does have a certain element of charm that heretofore went over my head. It's not as bloated as Amused to Death** but it doesn't reach anything like the highs that ATD reaches either.

* Yes I do know, it was just reading this haaretz interview
** Speaking of which***, I listened to the remixed and remastered Amused To Death the other day. I thought I detected a slightly drier mix but I don't listen to it enough to be sure.
*** Oh, and I listened to a bit of Music From The Body earlier but go tired of it.
New Order Substance:
I like New Order but find the albums a bit of a trudge. This compilation is fucking stellar though.
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Bohren & Der Club of Gore Dolores
Bohren & Der Club of Gore Mitleid Lady:
Heavy Twin Peaks doom jazz. Makes those nights a little darker.
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Musique Concret Bringing Up Baby:
Not a great record to bring baby up to. Bizarre experimental stuff from the 80s, for some reason Steve Stapleton from Nurse With Wound has signed my copy (he released the original LP but doesn't contribute to the music as far as I know; though the two people involved in this have never appeared on another record). Shades of Throbbing Gristle in places, the piece linked below sounds like something that Warp Records would release 10-15 years later.
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Eric Dolphy Out to Lunch!
Eric Dolphy Conversations:
More jazz thread inspired listening.

Joy Division The Complete BBC Recordings:
Better than New Order.

Various Artists Lost Highway [OST]:
Even the Marilyn Manson and Rammstein tracks still do something for me on this soundtrack. Some of the Badalamenti stuff is incredible.
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The Cure Disintegration:
Toss up between this and Bloodflowers for my favourite Cure album.

Metallica …And Justice for All:
Not as great as I remembered it to be.

Townes Van Zandt Drama Falls Like Teardrops:
Couldn't decide which album of his to play so I went with a best of.

Tindersticks Tindersticks (1993)
Tindersticks Tindersticks (1995)
Tindersticks Live At The Bloomsbury Theatre 12/3/95
Tindersticks Ypres:
Early and late Tindersticks. The Ypres album is hugely depressing but wonderful nonetheless. It was written as an installation piece for a museum at Ypres to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the first world war. It makes the first two albums and the live recording from 1995 sound positively cheery and upbeat.
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Cyclobe Wounded Galaxies Tap at the Window (bonus disc)
Cyclobe Sulphur-Tarot-Garden:
Found I had a download of the bonus disc for Wounded Galaxies, some nice sounds there but not a patch on Sulphur-Tarot-Garden. Incredible album, the three pieces on it are the kind of music that should only be possible in dreams.
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Herbie Hancock Empyrean Isles:
Realised from reading the jazz thread that I owned no Hancock albums aside from stuff like Miles Davis albums that he played on. Went for the classic and will work my way through his older albums, not really a fan of his later electric stuff (that I've heard anyway).
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Sun Ra Space Is the Place:
Another must have that I picked up along with the Hancock album. This is fucking incredible, best Sun Ra album out of the half dozen or so I have.
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Nine Inch Nails Hesitation Marks:
Didn't know there was a NIN album after The Slip. Bought it on a whim, some OK tracks but underwhelming overall. I wasn't really expecting much though.

The Jimmy Cake Master:
It actually exists and it sounds deadly. I've only listened to it a couple of times but it's a strong contender for album of the year. Very different to their previous albums though if you saw them live a few years ago they were playing some (if not all) of this in their live sets. Much more krautrocky and electronic with a large dose of modern Swans-style rhythms thrown in.

Hans Joachim Roedelius Snapshots/Sidesteps:
Was only a euro which was lucky as it's a bit shit. A collection of collaborative tracks, none of which are particularly interesting.

Neil Young Dead Man [OST]:
One of the best soundtracks ever. One of the best Neil Young albums ever. The only problem is that the soundtrack doesn't include this fucking amazing acoustic version that was done for the trailer of the film. Fingers crossed it ends up on the Archives Vol. 4 should it ever be released.
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Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Live at the Royal Albert Hall – 2015:
Live recording sold at the gig that my friend sent on to me. It's a great set, good performance and sounds pretty good for a soundboard recording made and manufactured on the night. I wish he'd never play any Abattoir Blues/Lyre of Orpheus songs ever again though. What a fucking horrendous album and the songs from it sound utterly shit in comparison to the rest of the set list here.

Low Trust:
Got in the mood for this and ended up listening to it three times in a row. Such a terrific album.

Jean Ritchie The Most Dulcimer:
Was listening to Blue of the Night on Lyric FM a few weeks ago and they played "Wintergrace" from this. I had never heard of Ritchie before (she's an Appalachian dulcimer player who collects American folk songs). "Wintergrace" was an original piece she wrote to celebrate the Winter Solstice and it really struck a chord with me. The album is out of print and was only released on vinyl but I found a copy on discogs for a reasonable price, the album is wonderful but "Wintergrace" is the standout. I can't find the same recording that's on the album so this one will have to do:
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The Residents The Residents’ Snakey Wake:
Recording from the 80s, The Residents played a wake dedicated to Snakefinger after his untimely death. It is a refreshing reminder of how powerful they used to be and how much Snakefinger contributed to their sound (this being much better than their recent material and a bit weaker than the stuff from slightly earlier that Snakefinger played on).

Brian Eno Music for Airports – Live [Bang on a Can All Stars[/i]:
Brian Eno Apollo: Atmospheres & Soundtracks

Swans Children of God:
Had to do a mission to Dundrum shopping centre on the weekend to buy some baby gear. Only one album cuts through the atmosphere in that place.

King Crimson In the Court of the Crimson King
King Crimson Red:
Bookending their original 1970s run, these are two of my favourite albums by anyone. Red alone would be enough to make King Crimson one of the best bands ever but to have In the Court and some of the other 70s albums (not Lizard though, ugh!). I could never take to their later stuff but this is primal stuff.
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Joanna Newsom Ys:
A cool down after Red.

Amiina Seoul:
First two tracks on this EP (from the string section that back Sigur Ros) are really good, the last track is a bit pants.

Francisco Lopez Untitled (2005):
Electronics and field recordings punctuated by long silences. This was a tough listen when I got it ten years ago. My listening tastes have expanded greatly since then and this was a thoroughly pleasant experience this time.

Thighpaulsandra The Golden Communion:
Finally, after nine years Thighpaulsandra releases a new album and it's the fucking business. Mulched up prog, ambient, experimental, punk and jazz, this is as weird and wonderful as any of his best albums. Some heavy stuff on this both in terms of music and content ("On the Register" in particular) but plenty of black humour and deadly riffs.
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Kraftwerk Trans-Europe Express:
Do I need to say anything about this?

Gavin Bryars The Sinking of the Titanic/Jesus’ Blood Never Failed Me Yet:
I had to turn it off because Mrs. Ammonis started crying.
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A Winged Victory for the Sullen Atomos
Dustin O’Halloran Lumiere
Philip Glass Solo Piano:
Some minimal music for night time baby feeding.
Diggin Hawley's new one. NIce video too.

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He had this to say about it;

"I wrote it about and for NormaWaterson when she was seriously ill in a coma at the time none of us knew if she was going to make it. I went to see her in Warrington hospital with J P Bean and I wrote this song when I got back. I just wanted to do something to let her know I love her. She made it through ok, thank the stars,as The lyrics say

"Your precious to me like Owen's poetry,and I wish you well my heart of Oak"

I recorded three versions of it,sadly I couldn't make it fit with the last album but was happy to let Carice record it as she really loved the song.....looks like it didn't fit her album either"
What would you say are Thighpaulsandra's best albums? I've never listened to any
Tough to call as some of them are quite different. Of the main albums, the two Double Vulgar albums and I, Thighpaulsandra are brilliant (and this one slots into place along with them) but The Michel Publicity Window and Some Head EPs are also worth checking out. Just pick one of those and give it a couple of listens, there's a lot going on most of the time. Took me a while to find the way in.

probably, i've never listened to it.
You should. It's rather retro sounding now due to its age but in a way it sounds kind of like electronic music if the synthesiser as we know it was available in the 30s/40s. The live versions of the title track/Metal on Metal from the last ten years have a shiny, modern oomph to them but the thin, ethereal sound on the original is fantastic. It's my favourite Kraftwerk album (possibly because it was my first).
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I listened once, I didn't like it
This and your hatred of 70s King Crimson but love of other great music perplexes me greatly.
Tough to call as some of them are quite different. Of the main albums, the two Double Vulgar albums and I, Thighpaulsandra are brilliant (and this one slots into place along with them) but The Michel Publicity Window and Some Head EPs are also worth checking out. Just pick one of those and give it a couple of listens, there's a lot going on most of the time. Took me a while to find the way in.
Cool, I'll try them. I always imagined him as a poor man's julian cope for some reason but I think I might have been off the mark there.
This and your hatred of 70s King Crimson but love of other great music perplexes me greatly.
I didn't hate the Kraftwerk, I probably just came to it too late in life. I'm starting to go off 80s now too.
. It's my favourite Kraftwerk album (possibly because it was my first).
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I have the original white-framed German version of this, with the poster and everything. Wunderbar!
Cool, I'll try them. I always imagined him as a poor man's julian cope for some reason but I think I might have been off the mark there.
He had a two-man synth thing going with Cope for a while but it was pretty boring. Barring one or two things, I find Cope's music pretty lame. His books are fun and he's cultivated the whole eccentric Englishman thing but Thighpaulsandra is in another class altogether.
Thighpaulsandra - Double Vulgar
One listen so far. I like most of the music but some of the more straight ahead beat-driven bits are kinda dull. The singing is cringey more than shocking. I like the bits his ma sings.

Thighpaulsandra - TheLepore Extrusion
Listening to this now, I like this one

The Soft Machine - Vol. 1
The Soft Machine - Vol. 2
The Soft Machine - Third

I was never that mad about the soft machine and mostly ignored them. I've started reading the recent Wyatt biography and got carried away with the young-people-in-a-band-with-the-world-at-their-feet excitement but this is mostly middling meh.

Iris Dement - The Trackless Woods
Her new album of Anna Akhmatova poems set to beautiful music. It's probably a few songs too long (there are 18 of them) but there's a good chance that time will reveal it as her best album. I've been listening to this a lot.

Steve Thomsen - Skeleton Works I
Lo-fi carnival/spook show keyboard instrumentals. It's grand and all but I'm not itching to listen to Vols II to V.

Charles Tournemire - L'Orgue Mystique (performed by Sandro R. Müller)
I'm working my way through this 14cd version of L'Orgue Mystique. It's certainly very beautiful and better recorded than the 12cd version by Georges Delvallee edition, I'm not sure which I like better yet. The GD is maybe a little more mysterious.
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Sun Kil Moon Universal Themes:
First time hearing anything by Mark Kozelek in any form (surprisingly). I liked it thought it's a bit repetitive lyrically. Turns out the universal themes are death, bands that Kozelek is playing on the same bill with, the names of venues/cities and ex-girlfriends. Anyone recommend anything else by Sun Kil Moon/Red House Painters?
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Thighpaulsandra The Golden Communion:
Absolutely loving this!

Wilco Star Wars:
Another relatively popular band that I've never heard before (aside from a dire cover of Buffalo Springfield's "Broken Arrow" that they did for a Neil Young charity thing). Not bad, more interesting guitar playing than I was expecting but I suspect I'm probably better listening to Hotel Tango Foxtrot or something instead.

Fripp & Eno Live In Paris 28.05.1975:
Superb live set from Fripp and Eno, all No Pussyfooting material. Some annoying crowd noise over the rather delicate music but aside from that it's terrific. The three discs here cover the live recordings and the original backing loops that Eno made for the occasion. The live recordings are obviously the stand out thing here, Fripp is on fire, but the backing loops are interesting in their own delicate minimalism.
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Autechre Anvil Vapre:
Autechre are grand. They release albums that are technically impressive but largely dull. They play live shows that pass the time at best and send me to sleep at worst. However, their EPs in the 90s are the business. I first heard "Second Bad Vilbel" on MTV and the synthesis of the clanging, crashing machine music and the excellent visuals by Chris Cunningham were like nothing I knew. I bought a bunch of the EPs and Anvil Vapre remains my absolute favourite thing they've ever done.
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Electric Wizard Dopethrone:
There's a load of drama over the latest Electric Wizard album with their original drummer (who features here) coming back to record for them and then being fired before the album was released. Reading about all the schoolyard crap going on with the band made me want to listen to this, Electric Wizard in full, drug-fuelled flight. Possibly the greatest metal album of the past 25 years.
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Swans The Great Annihilator:
I feel this album gets overlooked when it comes to the Swans. Some of it hasn't dated well but I think it's one of their best.

Various Artists An Taobh Tuathail Volume II
Various Artists An Taobh Tuathail Volume III:
I bought the three volumes of this at a euro each in Psychonavigation's closing down sale (along with a bunch of other ambient/electronic albums). Volume I won't work in my car stereo so I haven't heard that one yet. These two haven't done much for me, lots of also-ran electronic music that sounds like stuff that was current in the 90s. Even the stuff by artists I like is tepid. And fucking Animal Collective are on there. Fuck Animal Collective.

(r) All About Satan:
Fun album, all somewhat Satan-related music but done in a variety of styles, none of which being the typical metal/goth/industrial tropes you'd associate with an album about Satan. I saw a lot of this live at Fabrizio Palumbo's show here a couple of months ago and wasn't sure if it would work as well without his on stage charisma but it does.
Anyone recommend anything else by Sun Kil Moon/Red House Painters?

The first 4 Red House Painters albums (just reissued) are a great start anyway. I was never that keen on Songs For A Blue Guitar or Old Ramon, but the latter has grown on me a good bit over the years.

Ghosts of the Great Highway the first(?) Sun Kil Moon album is great as well, I kind of lost interest in him again until Perils From the Sea (with The Album Leaf's Jimmy Lavalle) and Benji came out. Both of those are great, I prefer Perils From the Sea though.

If you were looking for one RHP elpee to start with, I'd say the 2nd, or 'Rollercoaster' one is probably the best place, others may disagree though!
Nice one, thanks!

I love the debut - Down Colorful Hill. Still remember the first time I heard the title track. Was sitting upstairs on the 29A going home from town, listening to Alice's Restaurant (maybe XFM at that stage) and the song lasted most of the journey home. It was freezing and you could see your breath, even inside on the bus.

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It also contains the great track Michael

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I love the debut - Down Colorful Hill. Still remember the first time I heard the title track. Was sitting upstairs on the 29A going home from town, listening to Alice's Restaurant (maybe XFM at that stage) and the song lasted most of the journey home. It was freezing and you could see your breath, even inside on the bus.

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It also contains the great track Michael

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Not what I was expecting at all, I thought they were going to be much grungier/rockier. Took me a moment to get into it but, yeah, sounds like my kind of thing.

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