The "NOT" Alan's download thread... (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Jul 17, 2003
Carrigaline, Cork, Ireland
Ok, I went 3 or 4 pages back and there's no sign of the old YSI/Download thread so I've started it up again....

and to get the ball rolling.....

Wormphlegm - "In An Excruciating Way Infested With Vermin And Violated By Executioners Who Practise Incendiarism And Desanctifying The Pious" [Demo 2001]

"Straight from the deepest pits of hell, out of the gaping jaws of Lucifer himself, crawls a wretched duo of doomsters prepared to wreak havoc and anguish upon the unsuspecting underground... enter - Wormphlegm! With their 1-track demo, these guys from Finland have created one of the most extreme pieces of raw, über-grim Funeral Doom ever.
Throughout their claustrophobic, angst-ridden composition, Wormphlegm manage to conjure an impressive and convincing image of authentic agony. The tormented Black Metal-ish screams belong to the most extreme vocal performances a human being can possibly deliver – like shrill rasps of damnation they form a phantasmagoric cacophony with their guttural growled counterpart. Slow, monotone and of course crushing guitar work nourishes the atmosphere of impending doom and imminent torture. Ritualistic, almost trancelike, minimalistic drumming as well as occasional serene, near-melodic guitar parts only enhance the nightmare.
Wormphlegm draw the listener into an inevitable world of unknown horror and sheer inhuman pain. They drag you straight to the mountains of madness and leave your bloody, crushed body out for the vultures to feast upon. Fans of extreme Funeral Doom, Khanate, Burning Witch, yes even Grief should dare to take a peek at the secluded, otherwordly soundscapes of Wormphlegm. This demo tape seems to be a sacrifice to dark, forgotten and long dead gods, a slow stripping of flesh, a white hot needle right into your eyeball – true Torture Doom which flays the spirit and, strangely, leaves you craving for more…"
Whitehorse - Caverns (2005 Japanese Tour CD)

"Record number two from Australian doom dirge juggernaut Whitehorse. And whaddaya know? It's another live record! But so what!?!? If they sound this heavy and this brutal live, why even bother going in the studio? In fact, we're sort of afraid of what might happen if these guys actually did make it into a studio. Not sure we could handle it! This is intense stuff. Massively heavy, so slow and plodding it's almost ambient, with huge stretches of near silence, while the crumbling remnants of the last riff drift earthward before the next riff comes crashing down. Shrieked inhuman screams, and plodding drum beats set at least a mile apart, moans and drifting guitars and cymbal sizzle drift like tendrils of black smoke between each Teutonic crush. Hell they even have a guy in the band credited with just "Rumblings." Fuck yeah! Think Khanate, Bunkur, Corrupted, Eyehategod. So so so good! Packaged in a beautifully printed oversized cardboard sleeve. And as always SUPER LIMITED!!!!"
Unearthly Trance - Live In Belgium [CDr 2005]

"...a music stylistically on the verge of crafting a completely new genre....Lyrically, UT concentrates heavily on the mystic, sewing prose together dealing equally with alchemy, metallurgy, and eschatology. Empower this verbiage with Jay Newman’s bass, and Darren Verni’s battery and the results are sublime...Not to say that Lipynsky doesn’t give good vox; his style moves from wildly frenetic— to a solid baritone howl—Stir this into a lovingly stoked Gibson SG, and watch the gooseflesh rise...Adding Newman and Verni completes the circle: Bass lines lurk and impale themselves on spike snare staccato, falling around tom thuds like spilt libations—Verni’s drumming is exquisite: Tribal patterns ala the necrotic Dr. Pad programming of Controlled Bleeding sprints into the earthdog mid-tempo that Motorhead’s Phil “Filthy Animal” Taylor did so fucking well. Of course, Verni can crawl with the best of them. And when he does, it sounds like he’s shoveling steel skulls with a bronze snow-shovel, and tossing them straight up into the clouds...."
Church Of The Flagellation Compilation [Cassette 2004]

"Church of the Flagellation is quite the collaboration, as it brings together 3 of today’s best Doom Metal bands, and one musical abortion.
We start things off with an untitled Stabat Mater track. SM is easily one of my favourite [doom] bands of all time, as Mikko (of Clandestine Blaze & Deathspell Omega fame) unleashes some of the sickest, most deranged Funeral Doom ever. The track contributed to this split isn’t as heavy-sounding as his earlier tracks “Give Them Pain” or “Chambers of Torture” (possibly just because of the mix it was given), but it is still exceptional, and is very short in length when compared to the rest of the tracks.
Bunkur are a band I’m not too fond of. They pride themselves on playing “extreme” Doom Metal, but their 31 minute contribution is only extreme because of its pointless length. There’s no reason for this track to be as long as it is, and whatever was accomplished with the recording of “Devolve” (if anything) could have been done in less than 5 minutes. If played back at a faster speed, it might sound like a real song. Whenever I listen to this release, I skip this track. Thus, this load of crap drops the split’s rating.
The Malasangre track is quite impressive. Spanning almost 17 minutes, this Italian band plays a nice mix of Funeral Doom and sludgy metal. There’s an organ/keyboard, samples, and multiple layers of sick vocals. Very malevolent and brooding. Definitely a band I’d like to hear more from.
The Sad Sun end off the tape with a 20 minute track. Some might consider this to be a super group, but I can’t say I’m too fond of the material I’ve heard from the other projects of this band’s members (though I have yet to hear any Wraith of the Ropes). This is another long, sick song, with grinding distortion, piercing “solos” and hair-raising growls. Very reminiscent of Esoteric, this is a perfect way to end this split, as it is quite a good track.
So you can see just how good this split is, and I do recommend you try to find a copy to buy, dub or download. Other than the useless Bunkur track, the 3 other bands present deliver almost 90 minutes of vile, brutal, hateful, depressive music. And that, in my opinion, is what Doom Metal should be all about."
Glorior Belli (France) - Evil Archaic Order [Demo] [2004]

"Glorior Belli was founded in 2002 by members Antares (drums) and Infestuus (guitars/vocals). In 2003 they decided to record this first demo called "Evil Archaic Order". On this demo Glorior Belli gives us three raw, punishing and mostly blasting black metal songs.
The songs are never too far from mid nineties black metal as the drums sometimes reminds me of Hellhammer's blasting on De Mysteries Som Sathanas, whereas some of the riffs and leads reminds me of Marduk Heaven Shall Burn / Nightwing era. Be it in a much rawer form, because of the production.
Not really original, but they play this kind of black metal very convincing and manage to create an overall sinister and old-school feeling. The drums contribute to this atmosphere, mostly blasting, but there are mid tempo parts as well and are very well executed. The low screams and long, sometimes majestic, guitar riffs are kind of traditional and fit the music perfectly.
Hopefully Glorior Belli will show us more of this dark atmosphere on their new offering (to be released soon on Eerie Art Records), which will give them enough "own" sound to be in league with other well-known bands in the ever ongoing and evolving French underground. Still, this band has the pitch black and satanic feeling from the underground that I like the most."
Funeralium - Ultra Sick Doom [Cassette Demo 2004]

"When it comes to sick music, you'll find the most extreme bands in the black metal and doom metal genres. And especially in that last one there are multiple examples with the sickest of atmospheres, I name Sun O))), Khanate, Worship, Thergothon for instance… And those bands were amongst other the bands that influenced a whole new generation of doomsters. Among them there are this French sick band called Funeralium. Extremely slow, sick and haunting doom. Funeral Doom!
This demo breaths an underground feeling. This demo was released in a limited edition of 300 copies only, and only on tape. And their website states that there is "no droning crap, no romantism, just fuckin' METAL and DOOOOOOOOM!" Pretty plain. The three tracks on this demo tape are actually some of the heaviest doom tracks I ever heard, and clearly heavily influenced by Worship. The first track is the shortest and can be seen as a sort of an introduction of what is coming, minimal use of instruments and with haunted vocals that remind me on Khanate and Burzum. The other two tracks are the Worship worshipping doom tracks where the demo is basically leaning on, and with the words on their website they haven't said too much, this is about 6,66 beats per second with deep guttural vocals and buzzing guitars. Just the way I like funeral doom, it's no secret that I'm a big Worship fan either. For those who are into kind of music, don't waste too much time for the demo was released in a small amount of copies, the demo (with one of the best fitting titles I ever stumbled upon) can be ordered through the label, find the address somewhere below. For sick and twisted souls only!!"
Gallhammer - Gloomy Lights [CD 2004]

"Crusty, and with a crunchy distortion, the music shifts back and forth between stomping, bass-driven Hellhammer rhythms and fragile, pitch-black and hypnotizing Amebix-ish maelstroms of depression, overlain with hints of abrasive, dissonant Norwegian Black Metal bitterness and malice most well-known from its most well-executed form on the second Burzum album. Almost like Doom Metal it drags itself through variations between slow and midtempo parts, but it replaces the common nocturnal feel of Doom Metal with the bitter and evil gloom of Black Metal, and kicks it up with the apocalyptic negativity of old dark Crustcore. The vocal performance varies between a guttural growl and a raging mid-frequency scream, spiced up during the slow and depressing parts with a siren-like hypnotizing wail that drags you through the endless bottoms of where your psyche can end up if drugged, neglected, spat upon and mistreated and all the more ways possible. Now, naturally, as you can imagine after the description above, being through the bottoms of what life has to offer is a bit of a prerequisite of fully appreciating this album, but I will be as bold as to say that even the most spoiled and pampered, even the person having lived through the easiest of lives possible on this world can recognize the sheer darkness and desolation of this album and thus discover its quality as a representative of that gloomy cornerstone our psyche requires to be truly aware of what it really is."
Shining - IV The Eerie Cold [CD 2004]

"Despite the fact that the Swedish suicidal black metallers Shining had announced during 2004 that they had achieved what they wanted through their music and broke up, they return during 2005 with a new line up and their long-awaited fourth full length release, “IV The Eerie Cold”. The basic figure and very soul of the band remains Kvarforth and, of course, the band keeps on supporting the ideology they had since their very beginning, “suicide, self-abuse and the abuse of the human mind and flesh”, with the “eerie cold” being present in every single second of the album.
Suicidal black metal is what Shining play and the album ranges from melancholic acoustic passages to groovy mid-tempo black metal moments that end to raging misanthropic outbursts with the guitars making the overall eerie atmosphere more intense and Kvarforth’s vocals escalating the extreme emotional charge of the compositions that flow like razors through the listener’s skin. The razorblade black metal guitar riffing harmonizes wonderfully with the unerring rhythm section (on the drums since this album lies Ludvig Hvit of Spiritual Beggars), which accompanies the band in any possible tempo while the guitars fear not to play solos at times, solos that pace with the death-like atmosphere of the album.
Kvarforth’s interpretation evokes an intense disgust and hate for everything pure and innocent making the overall morbid feeling of the album even more paranoiac and twisted. The album flows definitely as one keeping the interest of the listener to high levels from its very second until its very end. Songs like “Nagonting Ar Jarligt Fel”, “Vemodets Arkitektur”, “The Claws Of Perdition” and “Eradication Of The Condition” strike down the listener with their bitter yet so powerful approach, having also their acoustic moments, while “I Och Med Insikt Skall Du Forga” keeps a more mid-tempo approach with intense atmosphere, having also its raging moments, balancing between aggression and grieving self-destruction, and “The Eerie Cold” that is a piece of pure distress and melancholy with the clean almost-crying vocals sounding so painful and paranoid.
No, here you won’t find keyboards leading the music, crystal-clear production, plastic image or easy melodies, but an album filled with inspiration, fabulous compositions, groove and pure black metal feeling from one of the best underground bands that came out the abyss of Scandinavia during the second half of the 90s. One thing is for sure, by buying this album only good you will cause to yourself!"
Angelcorpse "The Inexorable" [CD 1999]

"The last studio effort of a fallen titan, Angelcorpse's The Inexorable is nothing less than an extreme metal masterpiece. Enlisting the amazing drummer Tony Laureano prior to this recording pushed the already unmerciful sound of the band to dangerous reaches, suffocating the listener with leagues of malevolent emotions. The floodgates open with "Stormgods Unbound", a juggernaut of a song with endless blastbeats and impeccably clean speed picking. Legendary overlord Pete Helmkamp rains down wisdom from his flaming pulpit, speaking of Ghengis Khan, Friedrich Nietzsche and the occult in a manner most impressive, not to mention flailing his bass guitar to kindling throughout the 8 song experience. Things get chopped up a bit in tracks like "Wolflust", and guitarist Gene Palubicki displays his creativity on "Solar Wills" and solo proficiency on "Reaver". Angelcorpse was what Morbid Angel could have been if they had chose to retain and develop their ferocity rather than become the technical stalwarts that they are. Each Angelcorpse song had something special about it: a riff, a drum break, a solo, a vocal pattern?..You could hear their albums in your head without having them in your ears, and you could feel the power of the band coursing through your veins while they raged. It would be redundant for me to go on at length about the lyrical brilliance of Helmkamp, but the fact remains that this is what pushed them to the top of the heap for me. Angelcorpse may now only be a fond memory, but their music is eternal and they went out with a thunderous din."
Throbbing Gristle - Dimensia In Excelsis [Live LP] [1981]

"Throbbing Gristle - Dimensia in Excelsis : Live in L. A." : Possibly the most violent and chaotic live show ever performed by Throbbing Gristle. This live document from 1981 is a pounding industrial nightmare that grips the psyche with fervent disregard for sanity : Not for the faint of heart or even the so-called open-minded, this music actually bludgeons the listener into submission. A one hour ( TG only played an hour at a time ) sonic masterpiece, showcasing TG at their very best."

Excel - Personal Onslaught [Demo '85]

"Maybe there is life in Venice, CA, that doesn't involve the beach; iron pumpers and Suicidal Tendencies, since that's all you seem to hear about. Yes? Of course, there is always EXCEL! Their demos were major impression sessions and now with the release of their first album "Split Image", the direction of EXCEL is officially exposed. Combining a rabble-rousing attack of metal with deep hardcore roots, the outcome is thick and heavy with sudden excursions into the rapids. Paced by ample guitar chunka chunka's axe man Adam Siegel works the frets on compositions that are interesting yet not overly original. Dan Clements' talk-singing type of vocal projection fits well with the EXCEL approach, and comes in at the right places. EXCEL is definitely brick material, hard and sturdy. Not suffering from snare core, they advance with sonic power and creep forth with an awesome fatness. These ten tracks are butter waiting to melt in your mouth. The standout numbers are "Insecurity" and 'Split Image". Look for the wickedly insane colored sleeve in your neighborhood noise destroys shop and Excel to the register. Pushead-Thrasher magazine 2/88"
Revenge - Attack.Blood.Revenge [MCD 2001]

"Black metal fans who think the only real extreme release was Bathory's first, might give this one a try. First of all because this contains a cover version of Bathory's "War". This track originally appeared on the legendary debut of Quorthon's band. Revenge have succeeded in recording an even more chaotic version. The cover version IS quite cool, actually, with blast beats quite a lot faster than the original. To be honest, the Bathory cover is the best song on this album. Revenge's own material is a lot more chaotic and unstructured. It is fucking extreme, but I'm afraid just being extreme is not fully satisfactory. From their own material, the last song "Annihilate or serve" is actually the best one. It resembles a real song the most, and I even get tempted to bang my head, wear some studs and turn my bedroom into a warzone. The other two songs are not really good. Furthermore the underground production makes it all rather hard to follow. If you play your music this fast, having a more clear sound always comes in handy, it makes the songs a lot easier to follow. But somehow I believe these men aren't aiming for a very large audience. No, I think they play music to stay underground, which deserves some credit, too, ofcourse. No band with a future filled with money, but one who keeps the extreme black metal underground alive."

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