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  1. K

    New album excitement

    It appears I'm back. It also appears I have nothing to say. The new Goat album is fairly decent...
  2. K

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Macho Bunny? Did he have retractable claws? No! Is this a sequel to The Guardians of Ga'Hoole? No! Kp
  3. K

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Washingcattle: but this is Olivia Colmans film she's absolutely perfect as Hannah, that's pretty much as much as I can say she's perfect. She's Daniel Day Lewis (or whatever lofty actor level you wan to choose from) levels of perfect. She should be in every film ever made perfect. She's fucking...
  4. K

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Rise of the Guardians; a childer's movie - oh for shame - well there's not much on at the minute. Harmless and heart warming with such mysterious occurances as santa being Russian and Hugh Jackman being some sorta macho bunny...2 d with very nice animation/ use of colour. 7/10 Kp
  5. K

    The Future

    The future gets old so quick! If they could even get a decent working jet pack together - is it too much to ask seeeeesh!?!? kp
  6. K

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Saw Seven Psychopaths in Arklow Saturday - I reckon Johnny Stress has captured it very ably in his two word review above! A little violent, a litttle self-regarding, a little laddish but still pretty savage. Sam Rockwell is just outstanding - Sean Farell is actually morphing into Brendan...
  7. K

    An Aidan of Ten Years Ago

    I'd say it was quite likely him alright! Kp
  8. K

    An Aidan of Ten Years Ago

    AH be jaybus Thanks for all the love folks - that's basically a genuine phone conversation only very slightly re-jigged by me that I heard on the bus coming into jobbridge! All the expected characteristics present and correct; flat, cultivated south-side accent, iPhone with hangy down leather...
  9. K

    An Aidan of Ten Years Ago

    No I don’t want to keep doing that. Setup the photo shoot etc time time yes. We’ll keep some of them. No it’ll keep on happening. No not that team. Who’s the producer? Retain some of the eh yea eh yes younger – yea I’m keen to retain Tara – yea she might do that bloggy thing or yea yes I...
  10. K

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Hmm a review of 'what Richard Did' was promised but one is feeling rather lazy/over worked! lets just say excellent film. The leading chap Jack Reynor was outstanding (he seems to be in rakes of new films including young mizz Sheridan's Doll house) The acting was naturalistic/improvised - I...
  11. K

    Minor complaints thread

    Can't log a user onto a test system. Me android updates keep downloading as 'corrupt'. The continued existence of Enda kenny. General dearths of November existence. (Do deficit needs count? Am wanting in ice cream)
  12. K

    Minor complaints thread

    Count like the count who likes to count - ha ha ha
  13. K

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Going to 'What Richard Did' which is hanging on like a November cold in the Screen on Thursday so might offer up some precious critical insights (guffaw) Friday... Kp
  14. K


    I found it unpleasant to watch but also not very entertaining or convincing. 4/10 I couldn't have summed it up better! terms and conditions apply: 1. All art is subjective 2. Opinion is not posted to annoy 3. People like it what can you do? 4. Oh shit is that a beer barrel coming towards - S...
  15. K

    radio neuromantek joins the pod people

    With massive thanks to Richie Rolfe we have started pod casting our (insert adjective of delerious praise please) Tuesday night show on radio na life. Initially these will be just 'tapes' of the digital stream - but we should have some higher bit rate stuff from the archives soon - so its...
  16. K

    who's been sleeping in my tent

    Hi folks noticed that I have a soundcloud and followers and had never put anything up on it so scratched together this ting - its crude but fun! Kp
  17. K

    radio neuromantek playlist - radionalife Tueasdays 10pm - 12am

    Richie actually set up his computer to 'tape' this off the radio na life stream - here it is - apalling technical errors and all! We hope to seriously start putting up high quality versions of shows at last - real soon! kp
  18. K

    radio neuromantek playlist - radionalife Tueasdays 10pm - 12am

    The Black Dog ‘Wait Behind this Line ' + ' Empty Seat Calculator Orbital 'The Mobius' Not Squares “Release the Bees” Lloyd Cole + The Commotions 'Speedboat' Astrowind 'Lost and Found on the Moon' Miles Davis 'Spanish key' Distal 'Novocaine Blonde’ Ken Ishii ‘Extra’ (Dave Angel Mix)...
  19. K


    Tho' Personaly I think I'd have slightly rather been at the Rathlin bash - it was a great gig and he did nearly 3 hours - very, very well organised too - I think there were probably less people then anticipated but have to say great night - my personal highlight was 'sometimes it snows in April'...