egg_'s latest activity

  • egg_
    egg_ replied to the thread Major Pleasures.
    Jam session down the pub last night was the best one I've been at in 5 years. One of the other old rockers started into Another Brick In...
  • egg_
    egg_ replied to the thread Minor Pleasures.
    Fucking too right. I wouldn't be scarred if I caught my parents at it, I'd be fucking delighted, given that it'd imply that I have...
  • egg_
    egg_ reacted to Anthony's post in the thread Minor Pleasures with
    Spent the day in the Mater which was totally boring but I'm now full of the drugs for the next 6 months. Oh and the MS nurse said I need...
  • egg_
    egg_ reacted to rettucs's post in the thread Smokers with
    I used to love the JR ice pop. It had a bit of red in the middle that was supposed to be the blood from when he got shot by
  • egg_
    egg_ reacted to Scientician 0.8's post in the thread Major Complaints Thread with
    You're a handsome dude and your hair suits you well long. I thought mine did too but nobody agreed.
  • egg_
    egg_ replied to the thread Clothes and haircuts.
    I had a pair of white trousers in the 80s, used to strut around in all-white thinking I was cool like Don Johnson. Probably part of the...
  • egg_
    egg_ reacted to Cornu Ammonis's post in the thread Clothes and haircuts with
    weh weh weh
    Also, clearly recommended by someone who doesn't have children and only eats dried cereal. They'd look like a Jackson Pollack painting...
  • egg_
    egg_ replied to the thread Major Complaints Thread.
    Probably part of your identity now, and there's no way you'll ever be able get rid of it. I've had my hair long since I was 20, and if a...
  • egg_
    egg_ replied to the thread Smokers.
    My Da smoked from when he was a teenager until he was in his early 70s. My Ma always just put up with it - I guess he made up for it in...
  • egg_
    egg_ replied to the thread Notes on the coming AI-pocalypse.
    Doesn't it? And now all of a sudden anyone who makes their living writing or performing songs for movies or ads is in trouble
  • egg_
    egg_ replied to the thread Notes on the coming AI-pocalypse.
    btw check this out ... obvs the lyrics are by the beatles, but the music/melody/intruments/singing are all AI-generated Blackbird |...
  • egg_
    egg_ replied to the thread Notes on the coming AI-pocalypse.
    Kinda depends on what you mean by "AI". Pretty much everyone is doing machine learning these days - for example my team uses it to tune...
  • egg_
    egg_ reacted to ann post's post in the thread Ireland with
    My usual gripe with Ireland is that people give out about corruption in the govt while simultaneously 100% wanting corruption in their...
  • egg_
    egg_ reacted to Deadmanposting's post in the thread Ireland with
    This is it We keep saying how we're a rich country But we don't have the culture of one We have a culture of skiving and grasping...
  • egg_
    egg_ replied to the thread General Election 2025.
    He had dinner in my Ma's house once (uncle was a Fine Gael guy)