What you been listening to this week? (4 Viewers)

tau cross LP, new album from rob miller of amebix and some other dudes (voivod/war//plague/misery)

Media: Tau Cross: 'Tau Cross' | Punknews.org

you'll like it if you liked sonic mass. chugging folky/doomy atmospheric melodic metal.

highly cheesy in places. shades of division bell pink floyd on one track.

'we control the fear' is my favourite track so far; weirdly country-sounding

i'm listening to it loads cos i loved sonic mass but i can see how people might not like it. one to listen to when i have the house/car to myself.
Smegma - Mutant Stomps
It's ok, but it doesn't really go to the kinda places I like them to go.

Joy Division - Closer
I saw some mention of them on thumped and remembered they existed.

Einstürzende Neubauten - Zeichnungen des Patienten O.T.
I think I'm through with these guys.

Mac Demarco - Rock'n'Roll Night Club
Listened to this on Lili Marlene's recommendation, never heard of him before. One song is much the same as another but deadly enough all the same.

Richard Youngs - I Dream Of Mezzanine / Cloudplanes
Kinda strange. But quite good.

Richard Youngs - Multi-Tracked Shakahuchi
Multi-tracked shakahuchi pieces. Quite nice.

Richard Youngs - Inceptor
"Recorded live at home. No overdubs. No Retakes. No remix. Just electric guitar and voice. December 2008". I listened to this once before about 4 years ago and thought it was shit. I still don't really like it.

Richard Youngs - No Retreat In Comfort
This one goes from pretty meh at the start to really good by the end. Conventional-ish song structures played mainly with synth, bass, beats and vocals.

Richard Youngs - Core To The Brave
Songs with clattering drums (a drum machine I presume) with primitive riffing on bass and/or guitar. Very good.

Richard Youngs & Simon Wickham-Smith - Pulse Of The Rooster
This one is great!

Simon Wickham-Smith - Dyrø
Two 35-minute songs, fairly weird. I was blown away by this when I first heard it but now it's just really good. It might be that browsing job adverts while listening to it that took the sheen off it.

Swans - To Be Kind
I wrote off swans years ago but I thought I'd try them again. Not my cup of tea AT ALL.

Jean Guillou - Visions Cosmiques
Improvisations dédiées á l'équipage d'apollo 8 aux grandes orgues de Saint Eustache á Paris. I'm sure the apollo 8 lads were as delighted with these weird improvisations as I am. First listen, just arrived in the post.

Donnie & Joe Emerson - Dreamin' Wild
Excellent cheesey teen rock

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Sleeps With Angels
I've never turned against this one in the way I have most other Neil Young albums that I used to think were good. This one always struck me as existing in a little world of it's own. The second half is a bit patchy but excellent overall.

The Bern Nix Trio - Alarms and Excursions
Guitar, bass and drums jazz. Too much soloing. DELETE.

Evan Parker ‎– Vaincu.Va! Live At Western Front 1978
Nothing but sax soloing. KEEP.

Neil Finn - Dizzy Heights
Great. Haven't listened to this for a couple of months.

Jandek - New Town
One of my favorite jandek albums. Solo acoustic, hints of melody.
this is utterly captivating and morose and lovely.

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This week has been all about revisiting and catching up on Gbv/Robert Pollard's mindboggling discography via Spotify. No time for anything else.

My hardcore fandom waned from Mag Earwig onwards, but there are dozens of genius tunes scattered across the intervening years. Can be a bit of a ballache wading though the chaff to get to them but worth it. Man's a genius.

Here's a quick playlist of songs he's done with other people that mostly flew under my radar til recently.

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Might give that a shot. I dip in and out of GBV but usually can't handle more than about 5 tracks before my interest wanes.
Might give that a shot. I dip in and out of GBV but usually can't handle more than about 5 tracks before my interest wanes.

This is a more general 'best of' playlist covering c.1987-97 and the 'classic lineup' reunion

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Jean Guillou - Guillou Joue Guillou (disc 1)
Organ music. A bit annoying.

Cate Le Bon - Mug Museum
It's alright, didn't listen to it all.

Jandek - Khartoum
Excellent, pained, bleak-as-fuck, atonal solo acoustic blues.

Lifted - 1
Recent album on PAN - electronic stuff. Very good.

Prince - The Truth
His Whelans album. I forget if I listened to this back when I tried to listen to all his albums chronologically. Pretty good. There are a few charming tunes buried here but with so many other albums in the world.... I just don't know.

White Fence - Family Perfume Vol. 1
Shamefully retro but mad catchy. I like it!

Caroliner Rainbow Customary Relaxation of the Shale - Seal Heal Holler
White Fence reminded me a bit of Caroliner so I put this on. A strange album, even for Caroliner. Very little riffing. Top notch.

Jandek - The Myth of Blue Icicles
More unrelenting misery. Don't think I listened to this one before but it's exactly as you'd expect of his late period acoustic stuff. The overall mood is quietly black rather than hysterically black. Not bad, possibly a grower.

Jandek - Houston Saturday
Another first listen, a shitty live album recorded in 2013 with only one song which is called "I Know I’m Alive: Excited". Heh. Worst bass playing ever (I think it's Mike Watt).

Jandek - Camber Sands Sunday
Another live album, a good one this time (apart from being way too long like all his live albums) thanks to Alex Neilson playing the drums. I saw him play with jandek a couple of times and he was great, he totally gets into the swing of Jandek things. Richard Youngs is on bass.

White Fence - Family Perfume Vol. 2
Not as good as vol 1.

Blue Sabbath Black Cheer/Rubber O Cement - Extra Hate/Telescomohawkworld
Split album of shite noise stuff.

Prince - The Chocolate Invasion
Very good, one of his more enjoyable ones.

Mac DeMarco - Salad Days

The Flaming Lips - The Terror
I'm finally starting to find my way into this album, it's good. Everything is settling into place. They've disappeared into their own holes and are busy making exploratory music there.

Depeche Mode - Playing The Angel
First listen to this one. It seems to be marred by cringey lyrics.

Circuit des Yeux - In Plain Speech
Nice, slightly off-centre songwriting. I'm not sure about the singing. Might revisit this one.

Grasscut - Everyone Was a Bird
Auld shite.

Loren Connors - Blues: The 'Dark Paintings' of Mark Rothko
I love it!

Gastr Del Sol - Mirror Repair

Jandek - Not Hunting For Meaning
Yet another Naughties solo acoustic album. Still completely over-wrought but I think he's having fun on this one. He almost sounds like he's playing actual chords on Front Porch Shimmy and Stay Me Here. From Forced Exposure's review - "57th Jandek release. No funk here, just more sparse acoustic guitar and a lot of particularly tortured, passing-a-kidney-stone-style vocalizing. Three tracks, with the last one, "Silent Wander," clocking in at just under thirty minutes. On the cover: the charming, Flowbee-haircut era Corwood representative adorned in flannel, in a classic hands-folded pose."

Joni Mitchell - Don Juan's Reckless Daughter
My favorite JM album.

Richard Youngs - untitled
Obscure CDR release from 2006. I always thought this was one of his better albums, certainly better than some of his stuff that got a much wider release around that time and yet it didn't even make it to the No Fans compendiu, boxset . Mellow acoustic suff with lots of shakahuchi, kazoo, autoharp and delayed vocals.

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Rust Never Sleeps
Still my favorite NY album.

Christian Wolff - Tilbury Pieces, Snowdrop (performed by Hildegard Kleeb, Roland Dahinden. Dimitrios Polisoidis)
I was at the Christian Wolff thing in Dundalk on saturday night and put this on the next morning. Nice.

Jandek - Houston Saturday (2011)
A live, solo acoustic album. I don't really like this one.

Primož Ramovš - Popoldnevi stare in sodobne glasbe na Repentaboru (performed by Dina Slama, Irena Pahor, Miloš Pahor, Primož Ramovš)
Don't know much about any of these lads but it's mostly organ music. It's quite good, I quite like it.

Roxy Music - Avalon
Pretty much the only Roxy Music I ever listen to.

AMM - Laminal (disc 3)
Excellent set from 1994.

Tim Berne - Snakeoil
Excellent jazz.

Tim Berne's Snakeoil - Shadow Man
More of the same but not quite as good.

Free Fall - Grey Scale
More excellent jazz.

Kazuki Tomokawa - Wasedadaigaku 1989
One of the discs in the 10-cd boxset that came out a while ago. Fantastic live performances.

Kazuki Tomokawa - Muzan No Bi
Beautiful sad songs

Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
Mostly shite.

Sohrab - A Hidden Place
Kinda abstract elctronica, no beats but not completely tuneless. Quite nice but a little forgettable.

Suede - Dog Man Star

Todd Rundgren - Global
Latest TR album. It's good, I like it.

William Winant - Five American Percussion Pieces
Five American percussion pieces. Very good.

Alexander Von Schlippenbach Trio - Pakistani Pomade
Excellent free jazz

AMM - The Nameless Uncarved Block

Reynaldo Hahn - Le rossignol éperdu (performed by Billy Eidi)
Beautiful piano music. Apparently Hahn was Proust's boyfriend.
@Shaney just FYI the Slaughterhouse has a reputation as one of the worst ever prince albums by a country mile so it's impressive that you seem to really like it. I think Northside is the only song I recognise off the top of my head.
I forgot about Christian Wolff! Balls!
It was very good.

@Shaney just FYI the Slaughterhouse has a reputation as one of the worst ever prince albums by a country mile so it's impressive that you seem to really like it. I think Northside is the only song I recognise off the top of my head.
I'm not that familiar with it either, I've listened to it about 2 or 3 times in my whole life. There are a few albums from around that time that stand out in my mind from the run of completely shit albums that began with Graffiti Bridge (no, I mean Lovesexy) and continues to this day. Musicology, The Slaughterhouse and The Chocolate Invasion. I like them.

the last 5 minutes or so of this album are great.
That's the worst five minutes. Richard Wright was totally out of control on that album.
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I'm not that familiar with it either, I've listened to it about 2 or 3 times in my whole life. There are a few albums from around that time that stand out in my mind from the run of completely shit albums that began with Graffiti Bridge and continues to this day. Musicology, The Slaughterhouse and The Chocolate Invasion. I like them.
haha, they'd be 3 of my least favourite prince albums

Having said that you're not wrong about it all going to shit around Graffiti Bridge or, more accurately, the day he finished building Paisley Park where he shut himself away from the world and turned into the musical Howard Hughes.
Time Machines Time Machines
Various Artists Foxtrot
Coil Astral Disaster (Vinyl version)
Coil Astral Disaster (CD version)
Coil Musick to Play in the Dark
Coil Queens of the Circulating Library
ELpH Zwölf
Coil Musick to Play in the Dark Vol. 2
Coil Constant Shallowness Leads to Evil
Coil Moon’s Milk (in Four Phases)
Coil Preparing Their Souls to Answer in Scarlet
Coil The Remote Viewer
Coil The Golden Hare with a Voice of Silver
Coil Live Four
Coil Live Three
Coil The Restitution of Decayed Intelligence
Coil Live Two
Coil Live One
Coil Megalithomania!
Coil Black Antlers
Coil ANS
Coil …and the Ambulance Died in His Arms
Coil The Ape of Naples
Coil Live in Porto
Coil Animal Are You?
Coil The New Backwards
Coil Colour Sound Oblivion (discs 1-9):
Coil marathon in full swing as I dip into their best era (late 90s, early 00s and the live stuff). Time Machines out drones any of the best drone artists (heavy Eliane Radigue vibes here) and the Musick to Play in the Dark albums live up to their name except it should be Fucking Amazing Musick to Play in the Dark or Daytime. I think Astral Disaster is still my favourite but Constant Shallowness Leads to Evil and the Moon's Milk compilation are giving it a run for its money. The later studio stuff like Black Antlers and The Ape of Naples aren't standing up to the tests of time but the live recordings/Colour Sound Oblivion box set get better with age.
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Swans Filth – Deluxe Edition:
This is the same as the 2CD reissue from 2000 but with an extra disc, so obviously I needed to buy it again. The extra disc is fine, it's nice hearing the first EP but the extra live tracks are of historical interest only.
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Neu! Neu! 75:
Grand but doesn't hit the spot like the first two.

Thread Pulls New Thoughts:
Deadly album. Are they still going? I haven't seen Gavin around in ages.
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The Flaming Lips The Soft Bulletin:
Not as good as I remember. The stand out tracks still stand out but it really peters out as it goes along.

Leonard Cohen Can’t Forget: A Souvenir of the Grand Tour:
Another year, another Leonard Cohen live album. This is a collection of rarely played songs from various gigs and soundchecks. There's a track from the Kilmainham show I was at which is nice. Not essential by any means but will do until he plays here again or makes a new album.

Neil Young & Crazy Horse Ragged Glory:
Ragged glorious!

Church of Misery Houses of the Unholy:
While I liked most of their albums, this one is a doozy. Terrific riffs, solos you can really get to grips with on your air guitar and sleaze coming out the kazoo. Belter.
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