Tour de France 2007 thread (7 Viewers)

EDIT: I bollocksed this up thinking it was 9-7-1983. it is 40 years ago tomorrow!
But stage 9 and the epic stage 10 of the 1983 Tour are mythical to me so I was never going to let this go without writing about it.
END EDIT. also had fix all the typos related to dates I got wrong.

40 years ago on Monday Sean Kelly took the yellow jersey for the only day in his career.
Renault rider Philippe Chevallier won with a solo break into Pau, the Dutch lad from Raleigh who got second must have thought he had won!
Kelly in green got third along and with some time bonuses that got him the malliot jaune by 1 SECOND from Kim Andersen.
Phil Anderson was 3rd on GC and his Peugeot team mate Stephen Roche was in the white jersey in 6th place.
Kelly now had a 2 minute head start on most his rivals going into the Pyrenees.
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The next day was a mountain stage from Pau to Luchon (12-7-1983) won by a Tour debutant who started the day in 83rd place.
It turned out to be one me favourite stages of the 80's - but not for Sean.
Stay tuned!
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after getting that badly wrong...

Let's remember Puy de Dome!

the first time RTE showed the Tour live everyday in 1988 was the last time the Tour visited Puy de Dome.
AFAIK Puy de Dome is in a national park and they charged punters to enter but even then hundreds of thousands would turn up.
The guy who had taken took over as Tour race director (from Goddet) lasted only one Tour. The 1988 Tour Pedro Delgado scandal didn't help.
After Jean Marie Leblanc took over the race in 1989 the Tour didn't go back there.

The road used back then was demolished in the 2000s and it looked like the race would never go back.
No spectators allowed today so it was a big surprise to Puy de Dome on the route again.

it's easy to see looking at old footage why they stopped going there:
Dead end road, narrow, very little space considering the masses that would turn up.

Bardet is a local, as is 98 year old Raphael Geminini who hails from Claremont Ferrand.

1988 stage 19:
One of Lance's early enemies (later USP team DS) Johnny Weltz drops Rolf Golz (won 1988 Fleche, Nissan Classic and stage 9 of Tour). Behind Delgado drops Theunisse (was in 4th place on 1988 Tour and tested positive so he got a TIME PENALTY which cost him a place in the top 10). The rest were left for dead and Delgado won the race by over 7 minutes.
still love the intro music.
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Pedro Delgado (who I would love to read a bio of) tested positive during the race for Probenecid a diuretic which could also act as a masking agent for steroids. For several days around the Puy stage, no one knew what was going to happen and Delgado continued in yellow. It emerged the UCI had neglected to put Probenecid on its banned list despite being banned by the IOC. Delgado won the the Tour.

1983 TT stage 15.
Pascal Simon (Peugeot) had a big lead after the Pyrenees but had then broken his shoulder and had to struggle on in yellow for as long as he could.
Pascal lost most of his lead on Puy and had to inevitably abandon a few days later.
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Angel Arroyo who was runner up to Fignon in Paris, won the TT. Arroyo's young Reynolds team mate revelation Pedro Delgado was 2nd on the stage.
Arroyo (Reynolds) won the 1977 Tour of Ireland winner. He won the 1982 Vuelta but shortly after had the victory taken away and given to Lejarreta.
Arroyo was one of five top Spanish riders who tested positive for Ritalin.
The weren't disqualified and were given time penalties.
Those were the days.

1983 was a weird race. Hinault DNS (knee injury en route to winning Vuelta) and Fignon won by having a steady race and being the only rider not to have a bad day.
Different riders were at the front of key stages every day and then nowhere on other days.
Edgar Corredor from the first Colombian team to ride the Tour finished ahead of Fignon on all the mountain stages but was only 16th on GC.

Pierre Matignon (1943 -1987) was lantern rouge going into the stage and started the climb with a big lead. He clung on to win the stage from Eddy who was on the way to winning his debut Tour.
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Check out the lads Pierre beat:

1964: The really famous one.
Anquetil v Poulidor.
Actually Julio Jimenez (1934-2022) won the stage beating his close friend Federico Bahamontes.

Bahamontes is 95 today. He won on Puy in 1959 on his way to winning the Tour.

MVDP's grandad feel short of getting yellow after dropping Anquetil with about 1 km to go. Poulidor lost the Tour by less than a minute one of the closest margins at the time.
Geminiani speaks here @ 3:00
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EDIT: fixed a few typos and a broken link
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Watching Puy de Dome now, it's fuckin amazin. Total class place to have a stage finish on!
Despite there being no crowd for the last 4 km it was an awesome climb.
Really hope they go back again regularly.
The train / tram addition means no fans but is a big help for getting off the climb.
And some amazing helicopter views of the place.
Great to that Gem (98) and Baha (95) are still around to see this.

Was watching the women's Giro all week.
Yeah Annemeik Van Vleuten won easily in the end but there was some nice moments.
Longo-Borghini won a stage from a trio after some crazy descending. But then crashed badly the next day - DNS the next day.
That day's stage 5 was the highlight for me:
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20 year old Antonia Neidermaier was in the lead in the mountains and in sight of AVV on the last climb but she brilliantly help off the Maglia Rosa to take the stage by about 10 seconds. Neidermaier surely has a huge future.

The next day Neidermaier was out after crash which led to a staggeringly insensitive moment.
Just because the helicopter camera is able film into the ambulance doesn't mean you should. The commentator was rightly hugely critical.

No Vollering at Giro Donne and Vos didn't manage a stage win for once.
Really enjoyed the week. Weird how despite being 34 editions old the Giro Donne will get far less attention than the Tour de France Femme.

Didn't realise Pogacar's partner is Slovenian pro Urska Zigart until it was mentioned after she crashed out of Giro Donne at weekend.
Fixed mistakes or some of 'em anyway.
Federico Bahamontes winning on Puy de Dome TT in 1959 en route to becoming Spain's first Tour winner.
results at end of clip. that young lad Anquetil lost 3'41".
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that was second time Tour went there. first was Fausto Coppi in 1952:
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Holy crap! Fausto was 31 minutes ahead on GC. Most of these lads were legends too.
EDIT: not sure why I post this link one of Coppi's gregarios...
Real stroke of luck these were only posted yesterday.
Was looking for footage of this the other day but couldn't find anything. By sheer chance the same person had posted clips of Sam Bennett's two stage wins in Sibiu Tour in Romania. Beautiful place in Transylvania.
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Sam wins split stage 4a (thought they were a thing of the past!) and then finishes 2nd by 0.71 secs on 4b TT.
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When Bora ditched Sam I thought they wouldn't take a sprinter to the Tour but they brought Muess who has never won a World Tour race. Absurd.
On current form Sam had little or no chance of winning a stage but he was a far better option.
fixed mistakes and bad link.
I wasn't signed in.
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On current form Sam had little or no chance of winning a stage but he was a far better option.

Sam would definitely have bagged a pair of stages anyway. I'd say (and I hope) Bora are feeling the regrets after that decision. They have to answer to their sponsors. Sam is paid big money and they don't have him bringing in the wins at the world's biggest race. It was a nonsense call by them

Sam would definitely have bagged a pair of stages anyway. I'd say (and I hope) Bora are feeling the regrets after that decision. They have to answer to their sponsors. Sam is paid big money and they don't have him bringing in the wins at the world's biggest race. It was a nonsense call by them
Danny Van Poppel is better than Meuss too.
40 YEARS AGO TODAY - Tuesday 12-7-1983
Tour de France stage 10. Pau - Luchon.

After a rest day Kelly had his only day in Yellow (a few posts ago I wrote about what happened on Sunday
situation at start of stage:

highlights of stage but not great quality:
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62 minutes of French broadcast of end of stage - excellent quality.
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Simon, Fignon and Geminiani interview post race tagged on to the end.
stage result:
GC after stage 10:

Philippa York on her debut Tour:
Fixed typos etc.

Pippa York has said she has no issue with being referred to as Robert Millar in relation to her cycling career so male pronouns are used here.

The first mountain stage included major climbs the Mente, Tourmalet and Peyresourde before a descent into Bagneres de Luchon

Anyone here old enough to remember the reaction to Kelly taking yellow that day?
The 1983 Kraftwerk tune was the first time I heard of The Tour.

Kelly was in trouble early on and Phil Anderson had a bad day that was dominated by other Peugeot
riders. Peugeot had a strong team and they kept going with out Anderson despite him being 39 secs off yellow at the start.

24 year old Robert Millar in his first Tour made a move and ended up in a break with Colombian Patrocinio 'El Condorito' Jimenez from the amateur Colombian team. A huge star in Colombia but an unknown at the Tour. The Colombians over the next few years caused a revolution in the mountains of Europe.

Later another debutant 'Perico' Delgado (Reynolds) who little known outside Spain went off in pursuit of Millar and Jimenez.
1983 was the first time the Tour was shown live everyday on Spanish TV. He was second on GC for a few days and only one crap day to Morzine on stage 18 over the Joux Plane meant Delgado finished 15th on GC. He also finished 2nd on three stages.

Then 26 year old Pascal Simon another Peugeot rider attacked from the peloton. Pascal was the eldest of four brothers from Troyes who rode 32 Tours between 'em. He had won a stage in the 1982 Tour and won the Dauphine just before the '83 Tour but Pascal failed a dope test and LeMond was given the Dauphine win.

In sight of the top of the Peyresourde Millar had one last look at a slowing Jimenez before a big attack, knowing Delgado that was quickly coming up.
After taking a lot of risks on the descent after 6 hours 23 minutes Robert took the win by 6 seconds from Luchon from Perico Delgado. It was the first of several memorable duels between the duo.
Simon was next @1'13'' and pulled on the yellow jersey with a 4'22" lead on another Tour debutant Laurent Fignon.
The rest were nowhere. Kelly was now in 4th on GC now 6'13".

Millar had had a very promising start to his career in 1980 but 1981/82 had seen his career stall a bit and like Roche in '82 despite good results Robert was passed over to ride the Tour.
Luchon was the first win for Millar in a brilliant career and the first British Tour stage win since Barry Hoban in 1975.

Peugeot's elation didn't last long: Pascal broke his shoulder the next day he suffered onto the Alps in yellow where he had to abandon.

Roche finished the 1983 Tour in 13th place, Millar 14th and Delgado 15th.

An Aussie film crew made '23 Days In July' doc about Phil Anderson @ 1983 Tour.
from 31:00 onwards deals with stage 10 on 12-7-1983.
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be warned Lance apologists John Wilcockson and Phil Liggett are in this.

Yes, I realise Peugeot co sponsors sHELL are evil. There were vile sponsors back then too - but not as many as now.

Two team mates that helped Kelly through the day deserve a mention:
Joaquim Agostinho (1943 -1984) the great Portuguese star who was 40 at the time and finished 11th in final Tour just four places behind Kelly.
Joaquim came out of retirement to ride the 1984 Tour of Portugal and died after head injuries sustained in a crash there.

Suisse rider Jean-Marie Grezet (b.1959) was a huge talent and despite riding four grand tours he only finished one - 14th place in 1984 Tour in Kelly's service at Skil.
Grezet was in super form in prior to the 1983 Tour:
2nd to Kelly in Paris Nice and the Criterium International and 3rd behind his boss in the Tour de Suisse.

In a UK cycling magazine Grezet was once referred to as the most talented Suisse rider since Kubler and Koblet thirty years earlier. But also that Grezet failed to start the 1982 Tour prologue after having a panic attack. He retired early in 1987.
I saw an interview with Grezet on youtube at one stage - he was working as a masseur.

EDIT: fixed typos etc etc
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someone was gonna snap him up. I guess Ben Healy's good year had EF keeping an eye on what was going on in this next of the woods.

Darren Rafferty won Italy's second best U23 stage race the Giro d'Aosta on Sunday in the Alps.
Even winning a stage of this should usually be enough to get a pro contract.
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2:10:05 - English 19 y.o. Joshua Golliker wins stage solo.
2:11:00 - Rafferty finishes stage 7th in yellow to win GC.
2:19:19 - Rafferty interview (in English).
2:48:44 - start of podium ceremony.
2:56:31 - Rafferty in yellow on podium.

following rettucs link - seems like EF were closely keeping tabs on him for months.

in other good news Megan Armitage is on Arkea team for Tour de France Femmes
biggest Tour TT for at least 20 years* if not since 1989 today.

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Bianchi's Jan Ullrich had Lance on the ropes in final TT in 2003 before crashing on a roundabout. Lance was steadily losing time and the 2003 Tour looked like it was going be decided by less than 30 seconds.
David Millar won the TT (pre doping ban) as a result of Jan's crash.
biggest Tour TT for at least 20 years* if not since 1989 today.

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Bianchi's Jan Ullrich had Lance on the ropes in final TT in 2003 before crashing on a roundabout. Lance was steadily losing time and the 2003 Tour looked like it was going be decided by less than 30 seconds.
David Millar won the TT (pre doping ban) as a result of Jan's crash.

I think that was my favourite TdF ever.

I have watched zero minutes of this years race
I think that was my favourite TdF ever.

I have watched zero minutes of this years race
Puy de Dome stage was best stage this year because it was Puy de Dome.

The speeds these days are insane. Even Marco Pantani wouldn't have a hope against Jonas* or Pogacar.
*Still can't spell his surname.

Women's Tour should be more fun.

Hopefully Tour GC still close after today.

Respect for not watching.
The Tour (and elite sport in general) gets more disappointing every year.
Nostalgia is more fun.

Also disappointed that Beniam Girmay is only black rider this year.
At this stage we should expect better than that.
TT Just finished.
Most embarrassingly doped performance I have ever seen in cycling.
Epic level of pisstaking.

Let the social media pile on commence.
Fuck this crap.

I repeatedly thought he was going to crash he was going fast from the gun.
Stage 16 Time Trial result (w/ lots of climbing inc. summit finish. Including average speeds for each rider)
EDIT: Sorry for spoilers but this was not remotely credible or enjoyable to watch.

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