The Cosmic Right (5 Viewers)

I've noticed they often start out on "there is no climate change", get demonstrated that there definitely is unless suddenly the entire planet has changed how they make thermometers, and move to the "it's natural though" position.

It's never, "oh, huh. Maybe it's to do with all the shite we've been pumping into the place", if they move it's directly to hand waving "natural cycles" talk.
Generally, from what I’ve seen, the belief with Climate Change deniers is not so much that climate change isn’t real, it’s that we’re not responsible for it and that pumping carbon into the atmosphere isn’t bad because there’s already so much carbon there.
It’s funny, I remember reading a while back about how scientists in the Exxon corporation first found the link between climate change and human activity. Apparently they did 2 things, 1 was to raise the height of off shore oil rigs in anticipation of rising sea levels. The 2nd was launching propaganda campaigns to try and discredit the idea of climate change so that they could continue to work unhindered. Which apparently is where we get climate change denIers from.
Also, this seems like the appropriate thread for this but that anti-vaxxer person that’s been in contact with me sent me a long and detailed text about what they believe is happening with the Coronavirus. It’s an interesting read, from the perspective of understanding their mindset, and quite appropriate to this thread
Here’s their reply in full:

OK.. Well from what I've heard pharma weren't doing too good and needed to sell a new drug. But basically. The virus was made in the Wuhan lab. That's fact. FOI of Faucis emails and Senators in the US are now and have been for a while questioning the head of the NIH in America Fauci over it. Its called Gain of function research. It was banned in America and moved to Wuhan. Funded by USA to continue. They basically made a virus that transmits from bat's to human. So the wet market story was lies. People said this last year but weren't believed. It was another "conspiracy".
So the virus was released. But is still not deadly enough. So the WHO gave guidelines to all countries on how to deal with this "pandemic". Majority of countries followed WHO guidelines because they are Gods! Trump pulled WHO funding last year as he knew they were lying about the "China Virus". US was no. 1 funder. 2nd is Bill Gates. Or Kill Bill as he's called. So the WHO set out guidelines to all countries on how to deal with the pandemic. Clear the hospitals, move all elderly back to nursing homes, save on tests for younger people as short supply, this meant old in nursing homes or those sent back were not tested and its how it spread. Also the old were presumed covid only not tested. So thee nursing homes were neglected also staff shortages which meant neglect and people died. That is how we got our covid deaths from the old left to die and not allowed hospital treatment as they were in Nursing homes who were not equipped. This was uniform and happened everywhere.
Then you have the PCR test that they run at 45 cycles. Which picks up virtual debris. That is how asymptomatic came about. When has someone been sick with no symptoms before. Never has there been any evidence of asymptomatic spread. Massive Wuhan study of 10 million showed no asymptomatic spread. Its never been proven. No science to back it up. They told uss masks don't work. Fauci in US even said it. For months it was said. But that was just to see the level of compliance from people. Tell them something is useless then tell them to wear them it works. See how we go along with it and don't question. This is psychological warfare. That's not even fully going into anything
You've got the patience of a saint mate.

There's a couple of things in there that I think are *probably* accurate. But hiding a lie between two truths is an old trick. Generally, that is unhinged waffle.
You've got the patience of a saint mate.

There's a couple of things in there that I think are *probably* accurate. But hiding a lie between two truths is an old trick. Generally, that is unhinged waffle.
That’s the thing, there is one 2 things that check out but most of it is absolute scutter. And not the good scutter, that posts on thumped.
After this, they went back to sending random YouTube videos and videos from the protest last week. I put them on mute, stopped replying and they gave up texting
Then you have the PCR test that they run at 45 cycles. Which picks up virtual debris.
what's interesting is how aligned they are. This is almost word for word what the anti... virus? person I was living next to at one point. She was very nice, and went for her swims every day, taught Zumba (?). And out of nowhere she's launching into the number of cycles the ran the PCRs at.

Same thing with Bill Gates. Trump *knowing*, Dr Fauci being this very sinister orchestrating force.

I asked her to tell me what was being cycled.

"The *PCRs* are being cycled."

Right right. But what actually gets cycled, in a PCR machine?

No clue in the slightest, not even a guess. Then some hand waving about that not being the point. She was sure that 45 of them was a terrible thing though, and completely the wrong number to be doing.
what's interesting is how aligned they are. This is almost word for word what the anti... virus? person I was living next to at one point. She was very nice, and went for her swims every day, taught Zumba (?). And out of nowhere she's launching into the number of cycles the ran the PCRs at.

Same thing with Bill Gates. Trump *knowing*, Dr Fauci being this very sinister orchestrating force.

I asked her to tell me what was being cycled.

"The *PCRs* are being cycled."

Right right. But what actually gets cycled, in a PCR machine?

No clue in the slightest, not even a guess. Then some hand waving about that not being the point. She was sure that 45 of them was a terrible thing though, and completely the wrong number to be doing.
I didn’t argue the PCR thing with this person because quite simply, I haven’t a fucking clue how they work. And I’m pretty sure they don’t either.
the reason they’re all saying the same thing is because they’re all getting their information from the same algorithm. Which, ironically enough, is telling them that everyone else is living in a bubble
Here’s their reply in full:

OK.. Well from what I've heard pharma weren't doing too good and needed to sell a new drug. But basically. The virus was made in the Wuhan lab. That's fact. FOI of Faucis emails and Senators in the US are now and have been for a while questioning the head of the NIH in America Fauci over it. Its called Gain of function research. It was banned in America and moved to Wuhan. Funded by USA to continue. They basically made a virus that transmits from bat's to human. So the wet market story was lies. People said this last year but weren't believed. It was another "conspiracy".
So the virus was released. But is still not deadly enough. So the WHO gave guidelines to all countries on how to deal with this "pandemic". Majority of countries followed WHO guidelines because they are Gods! Trump pulled WHO funding last year as he knew they were lying about the "China Virus". US was no. 1 funder. 2nd is Bill Gates. Or Kill Bill as he's called. So the WHO set out guidelines to all countries on how to deal with the pandemic. Clear the hospitals, move all elderly back to nursing homes, save on tests for younger people as short supply, this meant old in nursing homes or those sent back were not tested and its how it spread. Also the old were presumed covid only not tested. So thee nursing homes were neglected also staff shortages which meant neglect and people died. That is how we got our covid deaths from the old left to die and not allowed hospital treatment as they were in Nursing homes who were not equipped. This was uniform and happened everywhere.
Then you have the PCR test that they run at 45 cycles. Which picks up virtual debris. That is how asymptomatic came about. When has someone been sick with no symptoms before. Never has there been any evidence of asymptomatic spread. Massive Wuhan study of 10 million showed no asymptomatic spread. Its never been proven. No science to back it up. They told uss masks don't work. Fauci in US even said it. For months it was said. But that was just to see the level of compliance from people. Tell them something is useless then tell them to wear them it works. See how we go along with it and don't question. This is psychological warfare. That's not even fully going into anything
Here’s their reply in full:

OK.. Well from what I've heard pharma weren't doing too good and needed to sell a new drug. But basically. The virus was made in the Wuhan lab. That's fact. FOI of Faucis emails and Senators in the US are now and have been for a while questioning the head of the NIH in America Fauci over it. Its called Gain of function research. It was banned in America and moved to Wuhan. Funded by USA to continue. They basically made a virus that transmits from bat's to human. So the wet market story was lies. People said this last year but weren't believed. It was another "conspiracy".
So the virus was released. But is still not deadly enough. So the WHO gave guidelines to all countries on how to deal with this "pandemic". Majority of countries followed WHO guidelines because they are Gods! Trump pulled WHO funding last year as he knew they were lying about the "China Virus". US was no. 1 funder. 2nd is Bill Gates. Or Kill Bill as he's called. So the WHO set out guidelines to all countries on how to deal with the pandemic. Clear the hospitals, move all elderly back to nursing homes, save on tests for younger people as short supply, this meant old in nursing homes or those sent back were not tested and its how it spread. Also the old were presumed covid only not tested. So thee nursing homes were neglected also staff shortages which meant neglect and people died. That is how we got our covid deaths from the old left to die and not allowed hospital treatment as they were in Nursing homes who were not equipped. This was uniform and happened everywhere.
Then you have the PCR test that they run at 45 cycles. Which picks up virtual debris. That is how asymptomatic came about. When has someone been sick with no symptoms before. Never has there been any evidence of asymptomatic spread. Massive Wuhan study of 10 million showed no asymptomatic spread. Its never been proven. No science to back it up. They told uss masks don't work. Fauci in US even said it. For months it was said. But that was just to see the level of compliance from people. Tell them something is useless then tell them to wear them it works. See how we go along with it and don't question. This is psychological warfare. That's not even fully going into anything

napoleon: never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence

your friend: malice! it’s all malice! omg so much malice
What pisses me off is people who don't or won't understand that the original "masks don't work" advice back when we had a relatively small number of cases was basically "Please stop buying medical grade masks as they won't protect you from catching covid because you're probably an idiot who doesn't know how to put one on properly and you're definitely not doing everything else doctors and nurses are trained to do to protect themselves."

Then, as case numbers increased, the advice changed to "Please wear a face covering to protect other people from you because you might have covid and you're coughing and sneezing and breathing everywhere you disgusting animal, and a mask might be somewhat effective at stopping that."

It's not exactly brain surgery.
What pisses me off is people who don't or won't understand that the original "masks don't work" advice back when we had a relatively small number of cases was basically "Please stop buying medical grade masks as they won't protect you from catching covid because you're probably an idiot who doesn't know how to put one on properly and you're definitely not doing everything else doctors and nurses are trained to do to protect themselves."

Then, as case numbers increased, the advice changed to "Please wear a face covering to protect other people from you because you might have covid and you're coughing and sneezing and breathing everywhere you disgusting animal, and a mask might be somewhat effective at stopping that."

It's not exactly brain surgery.

At about this time last year, when the pubs were open again but we were all cautious, I had an argument with someone about exactly this.

Thing was, he was a very drunk man who'd had a tracheotomy. So he said "I don't need a mask because I breathe through here" pointing at the hole in his throat. Yeah but your drunkenly spitting in my drink. And also, I'm wearing a mask to protect you, not the other way round. You shouldn't even be out, never mind out out. He didn't get it. He just didn't get it.
what's interesting is how aligned they are. This is almost word for word what the anti... virus? person I was living next to at one point. She was very nice, and went for her swims every day, taught Zumba (?).

I'd say the Rona conspiracy scene has probably moved to a point where the same bit of misinformation bounces around the same heads and essentialy has its own R rate.
Here’s their reply in full:

OK.. Well from what I've heard pharma weren't doing too good and needed to sell a new drug. But basically. The virus was made in the Wuhan lab. That's fact. FOI of Faucis emails and Senators in the US are now and have been for a while questioning the head of the NIH in America Fauci over it. Its called Gain of function research. It was banned in America and moved to Wuhan. Funded by USA to continue. They basically made a virus that transmits from bat's to human. So the wet market story was lies. People said this last year but weren't believed. It was another "conspiracy".
So the virus was released. But is still not deadly enough. So the WHO gave guidelines to all countries on how to deal with this "pandemic". Majority of countries followed WHO guidelines because they are Gods! Trump pulled WHO funding last year as he knew they were lying about the "China Virus". US was no. 1 funder. 2nd is Bill Gates. Or Kill Bill as he's called. So the WHO set out guidelines to all countries on how to deal with the pandemic. Clear the hospitals, move all elderly back to nursing homes, save on tests for younger people as short supply, this meant old in nursing homes or those sent back were not tested and its how it spread. Also the old were presumed covid only not tested. So thee nursing homes were neglected also staff shortages which meant neglect and people died. That is how we got our covid deaths from the old left to die and not allowed hospital treatment as they were in Nursing homes who were not equipped. This was uniform and happened everywhere.
Then you have the PCR test that they run at 45 cycles. Which picks up virtual debris. That is how asymptomatic came about. When has someone been sick with no symptoms before. Never has there been any evidence of asymptomatic spread. Massive Wuhan study of 10 million showed no asymptomatic spread. Its never been proven. No science to back it up. They told uss masks don't work. Fauci in US even said it. For months it was said. But that was just to see the level of compliance from people. Tell them something is useless then tell them to wear them it works. See how we go along with it and don't question. This is psychological warfare. That's not even fully going into anything
This is fascinating, some I even agree with. Does he have a solution?
OK.. Well from what I've heard pharma weren't doing too good and needed to sell a new drug.

The share prices of the three big vaccine companies were on a steady rise multi year pre pandemic.

But basically. The virus was made in the Wuhan lab. That's fact.

Not proven or disproven I belive

FOI of Faucis emails and Senators in the US are now and have been for a while questioning the head of the NIH in America Fauci over it. Its called Gain of function research. It was banned in America and moved to Wuhan. Funded by USA to continue.


They basically made a virus that transmits from bat's to human. So the wet market story was lies. People said this last year but weren't believed. It was another "conspiracy".

this bit is speculation

So the virus was released. But is still not deadly enough.

Speculation in bold.

So the WHO gave guidelines to all countries on how to deal with this "pandemic". Majority of countries followed WHO guidelines because they are Gods!

Yes they did/do guidelines - oddly enough on matters of health, people tend to listen to doctors. People who work in healthcare still are.

Trump pulled WHO funding last year as he knew they were lying about the "China Virus". US was no. 1 funder.

Ohhh are we back to 4d chess / qanon here?

2nd is Bill Gates. Or Kill Bill as he's called. So the WHO set out guidelines to all countries on how to deal with the pandemic.

Lock her up!!! territory.

Clear the hospitals, move all elderly back to nursing homes, save on tests for younger people as short supply, this meant old in nursing homes or those sent back were not tested and its how it spread.

This isn't what happened - hospitals initially setup quarantine wards and *clean* wards, nobody in Ireland/england got shipped en mass to old folks homes that they werent already in.

Also the old were presumed covid only not tested.

They were tested.

So thee nursing homes were neglected also staff shortages which meant neglect and people died. That is how we got our covid deaths from the old left to die and not allowed hospital treatment as they were in Nursing homes who were not equipped. This was uniform and happened everywhere.
No source for this not sure. Also point of information - this is 100% admission that the disease is lethal.

Then you have the PCR test that they run at 45 cycles. Which picks up virtual debris. That is how asymptomatic came about. When has someone been sick with no symptoms before.

As mentioned, this is a misunderstanding of the PCR test.

Never has there been any evidence of asymptomatic spread. Massive Wuhan study of 10 million showed no asymptomatic spread. Its never been proven. No science to back it up.

Technicallly true i think, but because basically mass testing of asymptomatic people was never done at level of data to call something science. The asymptomatic part of this seems to refer to 300 people in isolation rather than 10 million. Open to correction here, there are defo thumped people who read these documents better than i do. Here is the source for this one.

They told uss masks don't work.

I thought they told us not to panic buy masks because hospitals couldn't secure them, like for example the hosptital my relative works in had to feed everyone at specified times because they didn't have enough PPE to do the regular rounds on a shift.

Fauci in US even said it. For months it was said. But that was just to see the level of compliance from people. Tell them something is useless then tell them to wear them it works.

Fauci again - is this person in America or somewhere else?

See how we go along with it and don't question. This is psychological warfare. That's not even fully going into anything

Anything that is speculation is in bold text.
That's my cursory fact/fiction filtration of that rant.

Four pieces of semi verifiable data being projectiled into 'psychological warfare'. My first read I was sorta getting into it, when I parsed it for information vs. speculation I ended up bold texting way more than I expected. Interesting to look at the anatomy of it, how they are bridging fact/fiction into narratives.

Also as always, conveniently links to this

Not proven or disproven I belive
So far as I understand, despite the ongoing US conspiracy theorists (and it suits Biden and co to maintain the Chinese lab idea as just another excuse for them to have a go at China in general), the WHO actually sent a team to Wuhan at the start of the year that spent weeks investigating this lab leak theory and found no evidence to support it.
There's already very good debunking of the lab leak shit as a conspiracy theory, such as this article [The Wuhan Lab Leak Hypothesis Is A Conspiracy Theory, Not Science], but the persistence of this 'theory' is 100% due to the Biden administration's willingness to keep it alive in case it has any advantageous political use for them in the near future.
The share prices of the three big vaccine companies were on a steady rise multi year pre pandemic.

Not proven or disproven I belive


this bit is speculation

Speculation in bold.

Yes they did/do guidelines - oddly enough on matters of health, people tend to listen to doctors. People who work in healthcare still are.

Ohhh are we back to 4d chess / qanon here?

Lock her up!!! territory.

This isn't what happened - hospitals initially setup quarantine wards and *clean* wards, nobody in Ireland/england got shipped en mass to old folks homes that they werent already in.

They were tested.

No source for this not sure. Also point of information - this is 100% admission that the disease is lethal.

As mentioned, this is a misunderstanding of the PCR test.

Technicallly true i think, but because basically mass testing of asymptomatic people was never done at level of data to call something science. The asymptomatic part of this seems to refer to 300 people in isolation rather than 10 million. Open to correction here, there are defo thumped people who read these documents better than i do. Here is the source for this one.

I thought they told us not to panic buy masks because hospitals couldn't secure them, like for example the hosptital my relative works in had to feed everyone at specified times because they didn't have enough PPE to do the regular rounds on a shift.

Fauci again - is this person in America or somewhere else?

Anything that is speculation is in bold text.
That's my cursory fact/fiction filtration of that rant.

Four pieces of semi verifiable data being projectiled into 'psychological warfare'. My first read I was sorta getting into it, when I parsed it for information vs. speculation I ended up bold texting way more than I expected. Interesting to look at the anatomy of it, how they are bridging fact/fiction into narratives.

Also as always, conveniently links to this

That’s a brilliant reply.
To answer your question: No, they’re not living in the US. Last time I checked, they were living in Clongriffin

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