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  1. M

    Quotes from your child

    i am now 6 years older than tom waits was when he recorded that song.
  2. M

    Quotes from your child

  3. M

    Quotes from your child

    Earwigging on what I assume are student teachers on the bus. One saying she was asked in class 'were you in the famine?' 'oh no, that was many many years ago' 'but there was one in 2008?'
  4. M

    Quotes from your child

    yeah, my colleagues had to have that one explained to them years ago. one of them thought it meant something like 'being generous'.
  5. M

    Quotes from your child

    my mother to her five year old granddaughter: 'what do you think you'll be when you grow up?' 'i want to be an actor' 'will you not be a doctor so you can look after me if i can get sick?' cocks head to one side, looks quizzically at her grandmother and says 'are you sure you'll still be alive...
  6. M

    Quotes from your child

    my 5 year old nephew to his older sister, years ago; 'YOU'RE A STUPID SILLY BILLY' my brother called out 'jack! you know not to use that word!' (they were not allowed use words like 'stupid' or 'idiot') jack thinks for a second. 'YOU'RE A FUCKING SILLY BILLY'
  7. M

    Quotes from your child

    'i want to poop in your mouth' - 3 year old nephew. 'i have a spicy poo coming' - 3 year old nephew. 'hey, have a look at my poo' - 3 year old nephew. 'haha farty poop pants' - 3 year old nephew. fun night babysitting.
  8. M

    Quotes from your child

    with my seven year old nephew in the back of the car: 'you mean iron is a real thing?' 'yeah, most of this car is made from it' 'wow, i thought it was only in minecraft'.
  9. M

    Quotes from your child

    my three year old nephew yesterday: "the black guys don't like the whites' he was talking about the birds in the back garden.
  10. M

    Quotes from your child

    a mate of mine has trained his two year old to do this on command:
  11. M

    Quotes from your child

    my six year old nephew: 'haha, you're a stupid fuckin' idiot!' my brother: 'oi; you're not allowed use that word!' nephew: 'sorry dad; you're a silly fuckin' idiot'.
  12. M

    Quotes from your child

  13. M

    Quotes from your child
  14. M

    Quotes from your child

    my brother to his four year old son: "that friend of yours, called ben - what's his second name?' 'jamin!'
  15. M

    Quotes from your child

    my four year old nephew to my mother, when she asked him about going on holiday: "i can't BELIEVE we're flying out of terminal 1"
  16. M

    Quotes from your child

    yesterday, a four year old kid of a friend of ours told my gf he couldn't play with me because 'his hands are too rough'.
  17. M

    Quotes from your child

    they produce a fairly nice whisky on that island.
  18. M

    Quotes from your child

    on the bus once, a two year old girl, out loud, talking about a black woman who was holding a baby yabbering away - 'mummy, is that a monkey that woman is holding?'
  19. M

    Quotes from your child

    my (nearly five year old) niece to my sister, her aunt: 'trisha, why does that girl have brown skin?' 'well, why do you have red hair?' 'huh?' 'well, some people have white skin, some people have yellow skin, and some people have brown skin' 'are you sure it's not because she is poor?'
  20. M

    Quotes from your child

    i was just on the phone to my niece. she's playing 'going to the farm'. 'are there cows or sheep at the farm?' 'no, horsies' 'there are horsies at the farm?' 'they're pretend horsies though' 'ah okay' 'they're pretend horsies but we're pretending they're real horsies. bye.'