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    GIG in Temple 2night

    Does it really bother you that "there is a lot of fucking "i'll say what i want regardless of how harsh it is and what the consequences might be""? People can and do say what they like, and bear the consequences, what some people would call "free speech", would you rather people abided by...
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    GIG in Temple 2night

    "a right to say whatever they like to whoever they like," These so called "punks" ruining the scene thinking they can say whatever they feel like saying.... Fuck off spa.
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    mollevangsgatan on the morn of the 4th see ya then for falafels (1.50) and folkeol...
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    mp3's ?

    Does anyone know of good sites to get mp3's from? Preferably of the angry, demented type.
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    top ten soundtracks to this week

    every one just shut the fuck up, go to and download the three ludicra songs. you shall not be disappointed.
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    festival in liege.

    actually im thinking of staying here and giving out to people for forsaking their seen for the sake of short term gratification in some far off proper scene.... with real punk birds n'all
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    festival in liege.

    Well ye see Liege is one of those cunting cities with Two feckin rivers, making it quite a bollix to give directions in. But it is down the far end of a big square with a river going down the middle and a big raised platform/ramp in one half. at the very end is a large hillside covered with...