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  • Users: kahlo
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  1. kahlo

    Pt. 2 Against His Will - Notes on the New Gay Predator

    En bref, San Francisco, though judging from the amount of delusions they displayed it may as well have been shorthand for Science Fiction (I kept hoping one of them would start to malfunction and they'd turn out to be woefully malprogrammed fembots or something...but then I'm just weird like...
  2. kahlo

    Pt. 2 Against His Will - Notes on the New Gay Predator

    You asked where you had played the oppressed minority card... Um, the above, to me, (as a fully paid-up member of said minority who doesn't consider myself in the least bit oppressed because I damn well refuse to be thank you very much!) smacks of "You couldn't possibly understand because...
  3. kahlo

    Pt. 2 Against His Will - Notes on the New Gay Predator

    oy vey indeed A lot.... And maybe you should read back over all of it? Let's see... First there was the article which was supremely dodgy in a lot of what it was saying. I can start by saying I am not a gay man and I have not seen the play concerned. I am a gay woman though and so I...
  4. kahlo

    Twin Peaks

    Yeeeeessssss! And now I just have to lobby Iceland to start stocking cherry pie again.... er... and get a DVD player.
  5. kahlo

    Book views

    books'n'stuff Best book I've read in years is "Everything is Illuminated" by Jonathan Safran Foer, but it's still in hardback, so check out the library unless you're a rich person : ) (I'm not!) Shows "White Teeth" up rightly, coz it's simple and different and just amazing... and the guy who...
  6. kahlo

    Is DA2 closing down?

    Da2 the facts Official line is closed for repairs (stonking great hole in ceiling) Word from dude who ran weekly club nights there is that the PA system has been removed and he's given up on the place. 3 contact numbers all go unanswered or get instant hang-ups and e-mails get ignored... odd...