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  • Users: fk47
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    Portable digital recorders

    You have options on the sound quality but don't be fooled by the 24bit 96khz wav sampling specs. The preamps on all these units are quite noisey (imo) and 24bit with a shite mic preamp is still crappy.
  3. F


    I'll help if I can.
  4. F

    Wanted: Ableton Live 6 or 7

    Sorry Ernesto. Save a little more. The lite version is very good but limited and you could upgrade as soon as you have saved more. Buy a full boxed version like mine and you get the licences and upgrade when you want. It'll sit happily on my shelf.
  5. F

    Wanted: Ableton Live 6 or 7

    My second post and I'm trying to sell my ableton. earnesto. I have a full boxed version of Live 7 with the full range of plugins available with that pack. Boxed. I'd also give you the ableton 6 box set I've got and I'm willing to sign over my login to you - how does that work anyway...
  6. F


    nice site you have here. I think I'll find myself visiting here a bit. I've only just found you all. Arn't you lucky!ninjaaaa i can contribute a little but I thought I'd post an introduction here in Home recording, as it's the first area I've been drawn too!bing I've a decent enough gear list...