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  1. M

    Stand-Up Guy | Triggerman | TTOW | Bad Boat - TOUR OF IRELAND - MAR '09

    Just a wee reminder. Thanks.
  2. M

    Stand-Up Guy | BBC RADIO interview/exposé online.

    We didn't know when this would be broadcast but it happened on Monday night. Here's the link to BBC iPlayer of the ATL chat we did, if you're interested. Scroll the player bar to 2.01 : 36sec to hear. AND DON'T FORGET WE'RE TOURING THE COUNTRY...
  3. M

    Stand-Up Guy | Triggerman | TTOW | Bad Boat - TOUR OF IRELAND - MAR '09

    For those of you interested: March 2009 will see four of the land's uncompromising riff machines tour the island to teach the population how to pummell riffs into human faces in uncompromising fashion. Price and door details will be announced closer to the time. No one will have to pay...
  4. M

    Black Metal Recommendations

    Wolves in the Throne Room are pretty good alright.
  5. M

    for anyone interested: PRIMORDIAL saturday night.

    Aye, they've really improved over the last year and have got some good exposure too. Girl drummer is class too, double-kicks everywhere!
  6. M

    Bruce Springsteen appreciation thread

    Nice Superbowl show last night.