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  1. T

    Hope St

    here, here. the fact is that morgen and slurms etc. are trying to engage you in verbal sparring, and each time you accept the challenge, and each time you lose because they're just funnier/more extreme/more imaginative. good point about the keds. it seems like it's ok to fuck with anyone outside...
  2. T

    Hope St

    ok i see how this works: because my opinions don't match yours that means: (a) i must be in cahoots with the others and (b)i am wrong. i thought that an underground irish music site of all places would appreciate freedom of expression/the right to dissent. i actually believe what i have written...
  3. T

    Hope St

    in the couple of months that i have been visiting this site i have seen all that mickeylender, yr ma stuff from pretty much everybody. i don't think a couple of months constitutes a long time given the life of the board (however long that is). i think i can reasonably infer that if that shit's...
  4. T

    Hope St

    here is why you are stupid: (a)you recognise that they only post stuff to provoke a reaction. (b)you react to their provocation. therefore (c) you are stupid.
  5. T

    Hope St

    another thing: john et al. are definitely taking the moral high ground. the above quote is of the order: "sorry for sinking to their level lads, its just that i was in foul humour blah blah, we're alright, fuck them etc etc". i hate that shit. if yr going to play the game then tog out or fuck...
  6. T

    Hope St

    fair enough about the long time reader thing. its not actually true. its meant to be funny like when people ring up the radio and say "long time listener, first time caller". still if you're going to concede that john was only having fun than you have to let the other guys get away with it to. i...
  7. T

    Hope St

    hello there, long time reader, first time writer. i didn't want to get dragged into this stupid bitch fight. there is nothing more depressing than IT guys spending all day on internet message boards, but i have to get this off my chest. there seems to be two definite factions involved in this...