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  1. Roisin's Mum

    Bodily functions question..?

    poo after redbull = sickly sweet
  2. Roisin's Mum

    marathon man.

    if it's a running marathon it involves eh running
  3. Roisin's Mum

    Roisin appreciation thread

    who are the big hitters? is this IRA talk merciful heavens what was my girl involved in!
  4. Roisin's Mum

    Roisin appreciation thread

    de-repped? say your prayers
  5. Roisin's Mum

    Roisin appreciation thread

    you just need a bit of religion in you and avoid the internet at all costs Roisin has seen sense after all of those hurtful remarks made by those smelly crusties who think the know better, but what have they got to their names drugs i tell you DRUGS!
  6. Roisin's Mum

    Roisin appreciation thread

    and the constant talk about drugs over the last few months.... it's shameful you should all be ashamed
  7. Roisin's Mum

    Roisin appreciation thread

    you, young missy, need another hobbie, like baking or sewing to take your mind off this evil technology oh I've been watching you, you're the biggest culprit of them all
  8. Roisin's Mum

    Roisin appreciation thread

    I don't appreciate one bit how you've treated my wonderful daughter since she set herself up on the internet yoke it's time to wooden spoon all you crusties
  9. Roisin's Mum

    Roisin appreciation thread

    You should all be ashamed of yourselves Scabby little crusties