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  1. J

    why are there so many threads started by men on thumped about how shit women are?

    I resent that, some of my best friends are thumpeds.
  2. J

    why are there so many threads started by men on thumped about how shit women are?

    Im new here so you'll have to forgive me. Someone started a thread which someone else thought was in bad taste, someone went bananas citing sexism, someone went bananas becasue they were accussed of being sexist, for fifty-odd pages? Good stuff.
  3. J

    nurses and midwives work to rule. what do you think?

    Its a fucking disgrace that nurses arent paid more for the work they do, administration (including politicians) are paid well over the odds of their work. Nurses are only asking for a fair wage and hours. Plus my mams a nurse and I want more pocket money.
  4. J

    The Stooges

    I have 2cd versions of funhouse and the first album and Id bet theres one of Raw Power that has both mixes on it. The Stooges 2CD I have has the John Cale mixes on the second disc so Id say its the same situation. This is cool
  5. J

    isn't "The Official Ironman Rally Song" by GBV one of the greatest songs ever?

    Deadly band. My valuable hunting knife/salty salute/game of pricks etc. etc. etc. etc. Pollards solo albums Ive arent bad either
  6. J

    The Stooges

    Could be Iggy's CD mix though. He mixed it before Bowie did the released/original one and then remixed it for a CD release cause he wasnt happy with the Bowie one. Should have made that clearer in original post.
  7. J

    The Stooges

    Iggy remixed it for cd at one stage and his original mixes were bootlegged as Rough Power (I think thats it in anyway). So that could be what you have, sounds like it if you dont think it has a full sound.