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  1. Max Penetration

    Irish Politics.

    Let us know when you get back from a pointless protest, Orko. I'll be prancing around having a deadly laugh
  2. Max Penetration

    Irish Politics.

    Did you get it's number?? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  3. Max Penetration

    Irish Politics.

    I hope you all drown in your political wet dreams
  4. Max Penetration

    An Introduction to User Infractions

    I'm not expecting anything, where does it suggest this? Which shows you're just as faceless and patethic as the person who went to the trouble of doing it.
  5. Max Penetration


    That will be one Friday i'm booking off work! Anyone else from Dublin headin up to this
  6. Max Penetration

    An Introduction to User Infractions

    Yes, ok. Dont worry, Lauren. It's cooool
  7. Max Penetration

    An Introduction to User Infractions

    E-mail costs nothing. I believe this was the means of communication that was used. Infact, yes it was.
  8. Max Penetration

    Id like to introduce myself.

    My name was changed to Max by deed poll
  9. Max Penetration

    Id like to introduce myself.

    My name is Neville Knot and I hear you're all quite the sports on this board. I hope to be build some bb relations
  10. Max Penetration

    9/11 Pentagon video

    Sorry but this account is real. It's embedded into the database of thumped. Ignore it and it will go away? thats a typical hippy attitude
  11. Max Penetration

    george w bush gets lampooned at press dinner

    Re: george w bush gets lamponed at press dinner Take your rose tinted glasses off and stop acting like a Halls soother. DO SOMETHING
  12. Max Penetration

    US soldiers rap album

    Of what origin is that baby? Racists is all I see
  13. Max Penetration

    george w bush gets lampooned at press dinner

    Re: george w bush gets lamponed at press dinner Point proven that you're all muppets
  14. Max Penetration

    US soldiers rap album

    Stop being a Halls soother and do something
  15. Max Penetration

    9/11 Pentagon video

    Dear Hippies/Do-Gooders, Don't you think we have seen enough 9/11 footage in our lifetime?
  16. Max Penetration

    US soldiers rap album

    At least they're being creative. What are you doing? pissing and moaning on the message board.
  17. Max Penetration

    george w bush gets lampooned at press dinner

    Re: george w bush gets lamponed at press dinner Wow look it's the Michael Moore followers and do gooders. Anti-American views are the new black for the last five years, why don't you change your style. Hold your fucking solidarity for Bush. I bet you're the people out on the streets in the...
  18. Max Penetration

    fun stuff to do in berlin

    Thought most of you were left-wing? Those are Nazi infested spots. Fucking scum of the earth and the rest of you shave the dreadlocks off the back of your head or grow a full head of them you hippy pieces of crusty shit.
  19. Max Penetration

    Lesbians on Ecstasy + Queen Kong
