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  1. J

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    Clearly you would be very aware of that.
  2. J

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    Thick cunt eh? Regressed a bit again there. That's a killer arguement. Game, set and match to you. Well done!
  3. J

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    I am well aware of how your described your favourite word previously. But that is not the context you are using it in. A sensible response to you're post, which made fuck all sense itself? Just the same stuff over and over and over and over again?'s a bit more advanced than...
  4. J

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    Calling people you don't know boneheads reflects quite badly on you actually, as does making assumptions and sweeping generelisations about things and people you clearly don't understand or know about (but think you do of course). How many times must I repeat myself before you understand...
  5. J

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    You err on the side of caution so mate. I'm a bit mad though, a bit of a risk taker ya know! I'm going for a shit, and I'm not going to wash my hands after.
  6. J

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    Again, good point, well argued. Childish insults really make the difference, don't they. Hardly, as the nazi party doesn't exist and it's not in a political context. Given that the person in question has such an immence interest in, and knowledge of, history, it's pretty safe to assume he...
  7. J

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    Of course I'm thick Nooley, good point, well argued. Quite the self-righteous little man aren't you. There is actually nothing on that making a political statement, not that it's any of you're business what it says anyway. The point obviously still stands that only an idiot would make...
  8. J

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    You're perfectly aware of what extreme right wing beliefs entail are you? Well, you are 19, and 19 year olds know everything. Just like I did when I was that age. So the gig's pulled from the venue then? Obviously mate, they pulled it because people such as yourself put pressure on them to...
  9. J

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    A Skrewdriver ABBA tribute would be interesting alright. That's completely fair enough, I wouldn't go to see a band I had an objection to either. Gorgoroth, Cannibal Corpse etc. I wouldn't condemn others for having the same attitude either.
  10. J

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    And Pete, yes it is fine. The theme of GBK, once again, is anti-religion. End of. And once again, not everybody views the world as you do, so deal with it.
  11. J

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    Wouldn't have thought so eh? You don't agree with what you call "fascistic views", you are under the impression that GBK are a political band (which they are not), expressing political views that you don't agree with. Believe it or not, some people in the world have right wing views. Some...
  12. J

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    Pete, A band that you (wrongly as it happens) percieve as having a message that you don't agree with is no concern of yours. I don't like the subject matter of Cannibal Corpse for instance, but I'm not interested in having their gigs pulled. I just don't go to them. If a punk band sang about...
  13. J

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    Incorrect Pete. If you don't support free speech, fine, but don't pretend you do if you don't. If the band in question bothers you, by all means, don't go and see them. But as i'm sure not many, if any, people here actually know anything about GBK other than the hype created by some...
  14. J

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    So you don't support free speech then.
  15. J

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    That's clearly not what I said, as I'm sure you were aware, Eoddy. But it is a pretty safe asumption that people outside of the metal underground have not heard of GBK. And yes, it is actually a matter of free speech, very much so. Free speech by it's very definition cannot have a line...
  16. J

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    A supposed anti-semitic punk band perhaps, in which case you could give out a bit and then not go, but black metal and what goes on within the borders of that sub-culture or any other for that matter is of no concern to anybody who is not interested in the music. Simple logic really.
  17. J

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    Bad soundproofing in this venue then yeah?
  18. J

    nazi metal at the lower deck 28 feb

    Unless you're actually into black metal, this gig has absolutely nothing to do with you, and this being a punk forum I'd imagine Grand Belial's Key are quite an unknown entity and most likely not to the taste of the people here. Gorgoroth a much bigger gig, went ahead without a word of complaint...
  19. J

    "Anti-semitic band" in The Lower Deck

    "If you dont like their opinions, dont go to the fucking gig." Yeah, that's generally the way things work. I wouldn't be all that bothered going to see a band I'm not into myself, although I did end up having to endure Opeth in Whealens a few years back. Longest ten hours of my life.
  20. J

    "Anti-semitic band" in The Lower Deck

    I know, Vinney is DA MAN Yo!