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    say hello the asian prince ladies

    please accept my apologies Brianoak. I got confused. You obviously have influence here with people agreeing with what you say. You must be a very big man. Not as big a man as the Asian Prince though. We will be friends you will see.
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    say hello the asian prince ladies

    I must leave you all for today. my landlady Mary is home with her family. They are sad from the football match. I have no care for such things but I pretend so not to make them sad. They are kind of poor and speak with a funny accent. They have plastic fountain in their garden. I like it. I feel...
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    Cute Baby Pics Thread

    you seem to be confused. I am the Asian PRINCE! so Hot!
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    say hello the asian prince ladies

    You propose I kill myself or at least harm myself Brianoak? I could possibly "fly my plane" into your big fat head as you claim you know a lot of shit so it must be very big. You take a lot of shit? You can join my gay friends list if you like. The world of ladies could never survive without the...
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    say hello the asian prince ladies

    I gave you good rep Japeo. I am the bigger man. yes! So hot!
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    say hello the asian prince ladies

    very good japeo. is that your band? It is clear to me you are an amateur. I will help you with some tips. They will help you get noticed. You will never be as hot as me though. I am the Asian Prince! So hot! You have my sympathy
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    Cute Baby Pics Thread

    "haha...lookit the rep so horny" Lord Damian, i feel you are insecure yes. You need to, as they say in the United States of America (USA for short), "got a rep to protect" to feel good. I no need peer pressure to feel good. I am the Asian Prince!
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    say hello the asian prince ladies

    i understand why you so mean. You all threatened by the Asian Prince. So hot! Don't worry. We be friends. I help you with the ladies. You can have ones I don't like too much. Yes!
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    say hello the asian prince ladies

    i just move here to Ireland. I The Asian Prince!
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    Rufus Wainwright documentary - 'All I Want'

    I will bring my friend along too. He a bit shy but you make friends.
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    Rufus Wainwright documentary - 'All I Want'

    the tash stays it is my signature look. The ladies love it yes. You can brush for me my hair and i will put your rollers in while we listen to my music all night long. You can cook for me these chops you speak of. Hot chops. I am the Asian Prince!
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    say hello the asian prince ladies

    she is ugly. Look at that toothy grin. The asian prince only likes handsome ladies.
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    Cute Baby Pics Thread

    i was born looking beautiful like this
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    Rufus Wainwright documentary - 'All I Want'

    i am more beautiful and hot! than that man you speak of. My music knows no bounds. my love knows no bounds. I am the asian prince. he can join my possible gay dates list.
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    let's yak about the choonz

    why my music of course. One for the ladies!
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    say hello the asian prince ladies

    i am hurt. No one say hello? Me so cute!
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    say hello the asian prince ladies

    hello lovely ladies of Ireland. I am new. I am the one and only Wo-Hen Nankan! You will all soon be in love with me. I look forward to meeting you all. Play my music on my music page and you will be weak at the knees. I love you yes!