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  1. Bruce Lee

    Happy Birthday to Alan Remorse on 13th April 2007

    Happy Bilthday Aran! Learry!
  2. Bruce Lee

    Werr, werr, werr

    Mee think Unreashing anything on the pubric is fantastic idea! Mee once unreashed a dwalf in a supelmalket in Ho Chi Minh, that was hiralious! I'm grad iss folty palts tho, beats de clap outta Kirr Birr. Two palts?? Kiss my ling Quentin!
  3. Bruce Lee

    Werr, werr, werr

    What de Herr is Lep?
  4. Bruce Lee

    Werr, werr, werr

    Yeah, diss feer a rot rike that scene in Letuln of de Jedi when Ruke Skywarkel allives at Jabba de Huts Regorand castre in a brack croak, except mee not wealing croak at arr, just one hundled and eighty pounds of pursating Chinese Dlagon Fresh. How am I meant to scole wiff sexy plison bikini...
  5. Bruce Lee

    Werr, werr, werr

    Herro sexypolnorady! Ret's have a rook at youl ramps
  6. Bruce Lee

    Werr, werr, werr

    Hi ho Pantone and Johnny, yeah Syb was de business back den. She had learry pointy nippres fol Good Chalrotte. What a turd they tulned out to be. ha ha ha...punk wiff rorripops!
  7. Bruce Lee

    Werr, werr, werr

    Ha ha ha! Dis shit takes me back rongtime. Rook what I found in my mairbox, a stare ord lice cake. Syb vbmenu_register("postmenu_", true); Old Timer Location: Dublin Age: 25 Last Online: 14th January 2004 04:22 PM...
  8. Bruce Lee

    Werr, werr, werr

    So dis prace has changed vely much since my rast rogin. Whele's arr de ord guys? Mee spent 2 yeals on rong adventule in Fal East to unrock the seclets of Rife thlu wisdom and Halmony. Mee meet many, many walliols, some nelds in Kyoto, some concubines in Pyongyang, a poodre in my soup in outel...
  9. Bruce Lee


    Mee raughed mee tits off with dat video. :D Hory shit. Mee ROVE Lick James...L.I.P. dude..
  10. Bruce Lee


    Oh solly...mee mistaken...thought this thlead was about Rold of the Lings. Mee rove that hippy clap.
  11. Bruce Lee

    Love Day

    You can't put plice on Lomance. Arr Varentine's calds shourd be flee. Mee wlote thlee diffelent barrads fol thlee sruts in Hong Kong. Mee ain't gonna chalge dem, rets hope mee up to mee neck in Snu Snu on monday.
  12. Bruce Lee

    Happy Birthday, Bruce!

    Hey! Tank you guy. You Lock!! Mee so moved but such pubric dispray of emoticons. Mee cullentry studying the fusion of Hail Metar and Jeet koon do, obselving its awesome lesurts wif Mastah Mastah say:"Hey Bluce! You gonna herp mee out with diss Soro ol wat? Mee rove hammel ons! diss fletboald...
  13. Bruce Lee

    Avoid Friendster and its clones, warns security expert

    We ale enteling anothel dimension! it is yeal of the Monkey! Bewale.
  14. Bruce Lee

    hey bruce lee..

    Plomiscious sex make you rive rongel! Iss tlue!
  15. Bruce Lee

    Yo Pupirs!

    Mee been learry, learry busy at wolk in the Tempre in south east China fo the rast foul months. Mee tlain so hald wif Mastah. Rongtime. Iss good to check out yo sraggin matches fo shits n giggres tho, in between waxing Tempre frool. Werr, mee an Mastah algue bout what rove is too yestelday. Mee...
  16. Bruce Lee

    thats some fucked up shit.....

    Diss wolrd is gettin claziel arr de time. Whatevel happened to stamp correcting? Ol kickin de shit out of wooden dummy? Now peopre want attention fo de wolst hobbies evel! Cringfirm! Come on, CRINGFIRM! Mastah say:"Dat shits hald to say Bluce. Ret mee tly. Ooooooooohhhhhhhh....CRINGFI...
  17. Bruce Lee

    so how was the darkness you pricks??

    Mee and mastah went to Dalkness gig to see what all de fuss is about. It Locked! It Locked Rongtime!! Mee scoled wif a gilr wif pelfect bleasts. No foorin' ! mee gotta get some Dalkness pants tho. they suit my tight muscural physique rongtime! Mastah say: "You bee calefur wiff those tight...
  18. Bruce Lee

    100 Greatest Guitarists

    I'm Pete. I lun dis whore joint flom a cheap net cafe in smerry Dubrin. I rove to wlestre!
  19. Bruce Lee

    100 Greatest Guitarists

    Mee rove Eddie Van Haren sooo much. tap-tap-tap!!
  20. Bruce Lee

    Who Is The Best On Thumped

    Meee definitery de best sclew you guys! Mastah say: Ohhhh....its gonna beee a rong day today, rong time. Mee need a backlub