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  1. D

    9Bar at Molloys tomorrow

    Come one come all, to the marvellous 9Bar tomorrow night in Molloys. Ambulance are playing live and we will hopefully be showing the vid we did for Manitoba. And beer. Always with the beer.
  2. D

    No arms, no bikkies

    You get one more guess Inspector Aoife, then you have to hang up your detective pipe. One shot, one chance, Make it count. Like yr man on the cinemas
  3. D

    No arms, no bikkies

    :D Inspector Aoife, your off the case. Not a bloody clue eh?
  4. D

    Throwing Muses

    Gots it in the second hand section in freebird years ago ( remember when that was really good? ). There was loads of them i seem to remember. I haven't seen it anywhere since.
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    No arms, no bikkies

    !baggyyyy !baggyyyy only slightly less amusing than the dome esque barnet of wigger fro fluff than sits on top of your big noggen... Back of the net.
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    Throwing Muses

    .|..| Score. Hope they're nice enough to be play a good smattering of oldies. Anyone else get into that Lakuna album Dave Narcizo put out a few years back? V nice.
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    The after hours crew

    I'd like to take this oppertunity to class myself as a disadvantaged minority because I only get a chance to rant when the classrooms are empty and all the kids have gone home. Sniff, I long for that instant back and forth only made possible by thr plethora of people not doing what they...
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    Smokin' spliffters doesn't make you a smoker, cos like its religion man. Fags are for arid faced grannies what smell of pee. I'M BETTER THAN ALL OF YOU!!!
  9. D


    If I may, I'd like to add my two cent to the original thread. I can afford these two cent because I'm also on the wagon. Sober is the new drunk, and in my case awake is the new fast asleep on the bar with loads of stuff decorated on me. Ahh memories, or rather the lack of them.
  10. D

    Anyone into Breakbeat?

    Sound crowd you lot ( not a Mark McCabe reference ), esp Herv. Hope this thing works out. I haven't had breakfast yet. If I have a bowl of Alpen now does that still count? Hmm, that means I'll end up having dinner about 4 in the morning. Mother wouldn't be best pleased about this pattern...
  11. D

    Anyone into Breakbeat?

    a few friends ( of friends ) of mine who just returned from living in London are trying to get contacts for promoters that might be interested in booking a breakbeat act that are apparently the most shit hot thing over there. Thay have demos etc, but are kinda out of touch with things here...
  12. D

    lazybird launch last night..

    Too right, I'll be sitting on the sidelines kicking up my feet. A splendid time was had by all.