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  • Users: chewy
  • Content: Threads
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  1. C

    Seomra spraoi: Social Centre Jail Break and Ploughshares benefit

    [email protected] Prison dress essential This Friday, the 4th, starting at 8pm,St Nicholas of Myra Parish Hall, Carman's Hall Our fourth Seomra Spraoi event: catch up and contribute to social centre project and support the Ploughshares putting the War on Trial for us on the...
  2. C

    seomra spraoi social general centre meeting this thurs at 8pm

    Seomra spraoi: Social Centre general organising meeting 8pm - EENGO -Camden Str Seomra spraoi: Social Centre organising meeting All welcome There will be an general organising meeting this Thursday 24th at 8pm in the EENGO office (above the bounty...
  3. C

    Social Centre Gig Brazil night with film and music and food.

    Social Centre Gig Brazil night with film and music and food. This Friday, the 28th, starting at 8pm,St Nicholas of Myra Parish Hall, Carman's Hall There will be a film: Raw-Farming: Documentary on Brazilian womens organic farming movement (courtesy of LASC,details <a...
  4. C

    fnb travellors

    hey there long time no chat :) got this mail at fnb_dublin on tues hey folks, my friend and i are traveling to dublin tomorrow via belfast..hopefully we'll get there tomorrow we're hitch hiking. we were wondering if you'll need any type of help at all, maybe for an exchange for a place...
  5. C

    Seomra Spraoi: Social Centre film

    Gathering to discuss development of social centre for Dublin. This Friday evening, 3 December, a series of short documentaries will be screened, at a venue off Francis St in Dublin (details below), on the subject of autonomous social centres in Europe. This will be the first step in an...
  6. C

    We're Not Blocking Trafficm - We Are Traffic! CM Fri 27th 6pm at G of R

    Because bikes are transportation too! Bikes are the cleanest ,healthiest and safest way of getting around the city streets but cycling around Dublin can be a nightmare! Critical Mass is a mass coincidental bunch of cyclists on the city streets The point is to show everyone--commuters...
  7. C

    Reclaim the streets Open Meeting

    An open meeting for chatting about new ideas for reclaim the streets etc will be held in the upstairs in Happenny Inn at 7:30pm Wednesday 20th of August With car-free day 6 weeks away we would like to here from new people and groups on ideas to help develop and expand reclaim the streets...
  8. C

    Reclaim the streets Open Meeting

    An open meeting for chatting about new ideas for reclaim the streets etc will be held in the upstairs in Happenny Inn at 7:30pm Wednesday 20th of August With car-free day 6 weeks away we would like to here from new people and groups on ideas to help develop and expand reclaim the streets...
  9. C

    art/craft workspaces

    anyone know where i can find some art/craft workspace not lookinf for studio worth thousands but artist co-op or share or some random space in dublin for dead cheap, about double garage size thanks pc