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  1. S

    gigsmart are at it again

    just for all the people who thought what i was saying about gigsmart was a lie please have a read of that involves the guy outta 79cortinaz and all the hassle he's been having with them like i said all gigsmart do is rip...
  2. S

    cheating bastards

    anyone see murder of crows cheating on the cpu charts and then after that they went and got bloc party to post a bulletin on myspace except it backfired and loadsa people posted up on the bloc party myspace site they were removing them from their friend list for recommending them such a...
  3. S

    hilarious gigsmart news

    I have it on incredibly good authority that their much heralded compilation CD that they've been banging on about relentlessly has so far managed to sell just under 100 copies seriously these guys couldnt organise their way out of a paper bag i mean for fuck sake even the bands that were on...