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  • Users: axebasher
  • Content: Threads
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    Mark White's long awaited debut EP due September tracks for FREE until the release at: later...
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    G string keeps snapping!

    What is the story with my strat...the effin' G string has snapped for the third time in 2 weeks?! Should I use a thong instead?!
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    A Spot of Axe Bashing for the weekend!

    I've been axe bashing recently!
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    I've got a question!

    Reading through the oxygen posts I'm getting the feeling that the overwhelming number of posts are anti-oxygen...I am currently neutral as I have never been to the said festival but I was wondering why exactly people around here seem to be so dead set against it? Answers on a postcard please to...
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    nice bit of picking
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    Knopfler At The Point (wmv)

    just got permission to publish dis! :)
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    wrap your ears around dis!

    if one has the time could one wrap one's ears around this new little toon of mine and post some criticism please...constructive is preferred but am in a good mood so I'll take the slags too! one thanx u in advance...:)