Search results for query: *

  1. E

    Standing or Sitting?

    Which way do you do it - sitting or standing? Most people i believe do it sitting and think folk that stand up are a bit weird. well? !bog
  2. E

    Flavourite Chockit bar

    whats your flavourite choccy bar? mine are. either way if its smothered in cadburys chocolate its usually a winner (irish made, the british made stuff is inferior) Except time out's i dont like them.
  3. E

    Opal Fruits (or Starburst to you heathens)

    The other day wils wating for a train I purchased a packet of opal fruits from a vending machine. As I crammed sweet after sweet into my salavating maw I noticed tha lack of yellow semi-cubes in my bag - further inspection turned up no yellow ones at all!!! A quick inspection of the ingridents...