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  • Users: gandhi
  • Content: Threads
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  1. G

    Road Records on MTV Total Request Live

    dja see road on TRL? they gave the rednecks a biggin up and then went back to the studio where the presenter jested that he'd been into them for years. what mirth! they're bound to sell a few million 12" on the strength of that though.
  2. G


    can anyone tell me how to send different cells/rows/columns in battery to different effects channels in cubase sx. cheers.
  3. G

    interpol (was good)

    daycent i thought. they're unspeakably cool to be fair. i like the little shimmy the guitarist does. and choons to boot.
  4. G

    cubase sx hiss

    hi, i'm using cubase sx for pc and got unwanted noise in the left speaker after accidently pressing sync on the transport bar during playback. i can't get rid of it, but the noise is only there for that one particular session i.e. my other sessions play fine. help would be appreciated. thanks
  5. G

    cubase and audiomulch

    anyone know how to sync audiomulch with cubase. i've been messing with the clock much, achieving little.
  6. G

    FLStudio and Cubase SX automation

    How do you automate the fruity loops parameters if you're using it as a plugin in cubase sx? you know the way for other vsts if you just click on the "r" button, the parameters will be displayed in the automation section of the cubase track. there's no "r" button to click on for fruity loops...