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  1. R

    Guitarist/Drummer wanted for Fugazi cover band

    I'm starting a Fugazi cover band this summer, and we've got a solid bassist and guitarist. I can jump on either drums or guitar to fill the last place, so if there are any drummers/guitarists out there who love Fugazi and are up for doing this, we're planning to do a load of gigs wherever anyone...
  2. R

    Would anybody like to put on a Fugazi cover band this summer?

    We're going to be called Instrument, and we're going to rock the fucking house down. All the hits, and some personal favourites to indulge ourselves. We'll take house parties, festivals, pubs, clubs, anything at all. Let's hear your support!
  3. R

    Who played this song!?

    Have a listen to this mp3. It's a song I've had stuck in my head for about 7 years, it was on an unlabeled tape that I can't find anymore, and it's driving me mental. I think the vocal was a kind of talking/voiceover thing in an English accent of some...
  4. R

    The Dublin Zombie Survival Guide

    Okay, so it's now half past July and still nobody has followed up on any of the contributions I was promised! If you're still (seriously) interested, drop me a lion (raaarrrrr) - soon please, or the steam will run out before the train even gets going! If this is all news to you, search for...
  5. R

    If anyone likes Zombies and Dublin...

    I'm trying to put together a zombie survival guide to the city with guides to specific areas by different contributors. I want to get in things like places to hole up, places to get supplies and weapons and more. If you're interested, let me know and say which area you could do (I think I'm...
  6. R


    I'm sure everyone already knows the score, but is a really savage internet radio station that plays whatever style you want etc.
  7. R

    In the event of a Dublin zomby attack?

    Heard all these helicopters and shite outside my window last night and I realised that I've no plan for the inevitable day. I'm sorted for places to hide and to get supplies in the Kilcoole/Gstones massive, but where to go in Dublin? I thought maybe of the Ilac or the Jervis, but prefereably...
  8. R

    Never thank a Bogul no. 4 & 5 out Monday

    Never Thank a Bogul 4+5 out Monday 17th Jan. Get down to red ink - costs a capitalist scum 1 euro each, but I can't afford printing costs if I make it any cheaper. Loads of them always go missing and I have to scrape up the cash to do the next one. Sorry guys. So yeh, buy it if you liked the...
  9. R

    ALL MUSIC NERDS! (especially steve blunt) GO TO THIS AMAZING SITE!

    Yes, while searching on Google I found this amazing music streaming and downloading site which is absolutely packed with full length Mp3's of deadly post rock, Jazz, Drum and bass and all sorts of other deadly stuff, including PUNK, emo and indie:mad: , but go look for yourself. It's the best...