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  • Users: dariogradi
  • Content: Threads
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  1. D

    Recording Time Competition

    Asylum Studios & Trust Me I'm A Thief have teamed up to provide a competition aimed at Bands / Artists who want to get some quality recording under their belts. The prize will be a days recording in Asylum Studios, where the likes of Jape, The Radio, Jesse & Layla, Schroedersound, to name just a...
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    Trust Me I'm A Thief Christmas Single

    Christmas has finally arrived and with it comes the first Trust Me I'm A Thief Internet only release, and also the first recording ever to be released on Christmas Day! The split single, which features the tracks 'The Cause Of Death Is Birth' from Beautiful Unit and 'C4' from Schroedersound is...
  3. D

    Jingle competition

    HI, Just a quick post to Inform you that the new label releasing The Redneck Manifesto & Jape has just launched its website. Its the first Irish label to offer its releases as digital downloads. Check it out at There is a competition on the site for a Jingle if any of...
  4. D

    New Label

    HI, Just a quick post to Inform you that the new label releasing The Redneck Manifesto & Jape has just launched its website. Its the first Irish label to offer its releases as digital downloads. Check it out at Dariog