Search results for query: seinfeld

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    Seinfeld on DVD

    Jerry Seinfeld - desperately unfunny billionaire Israel supporter. Here's my proud record of slagging the prick off:[users]=nuke+terrorist&o=date
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    Seinfeld on DVD

    Palestine supporters walk out of graduation ceremony as Zionist Jerry Seinfeld is about to speak -
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    What gig didn't you go to last night?

    Fuck Seinfeld.
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    Rich Arseholes thread

    I'm always tellin' yiz this guy is a prick
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    signature guitars

    ...jerseys or wear them. Only had an old O'Neill 's Ireland jersey I got from my brother as a kid. They're an epic rip off - as crap as Seinfeld. You can get identical counterfeit jerseys online for 5 Euros. They could even be made in the same factories in China. EDIT: I never had band shirts...
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    The 'That was very sound' thread tennis who were from Compton (their older sister was shot dead) and thousands of footballers. recently on thumped I mentioned Jerry Seinfeld was almost a billionaire (google says he's worth $950 million) and owns 150 cars. nobody responded to that negatively or otherwise. if we're going...
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    Words and phrases that are soooo...meh! Like meh

    I've just wasted 15 minutes of my life listening to Jerry Seinfeld stand up. he's nearly a billionaire and he owns 150 cars. there's no justice in the world.
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    Words and phrases that are soooo...meh! Like meh

    I have no regrets about never watching a full episode of Frasier! it was sooo boring. the same with Seinfeld - both totally unfunny. yeah - Ayn Rand's gospel of selfishness has had an awful affect on America. as an adult there are very few things I regret NOT doing. I've never had a...
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    It's the Friday 80s Pop song thread

    ...first time I ever saw either band mentioned in the English language music press - remarkable considering FEHLFARBEN's first LP's status in Germany. Seinfeld was seriously boring though - don't be watching that. I always saw it as an example that the American public will consume any old rubbish.