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  • Before: Aug 11, 2009
  • Users: bogmanfan
  • Order by date
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    Black Metal Recommendations

    Is there such a thing as black metal with clean vocals, or no vocals? Quite like the energy of the music, but with most acts the vocals just make me laugh.
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    One of my favourite albums ruined

    Avalanches 'Since I Left You' Don't think I'll ever listen to it again. Why? Because last week I finally downloaded Gimix, the mix that came before it, and it's so fucking unbelievably awesome that I may never listen to anything else ever again. Some Avalanches tracks mixed in with loads of...
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    Subway (restaurant) Card - the great scam of our time...

    Subway on Amiens St has been dead for the last few months. Walked in yesterday to see they've jacked up the prices! And they're now charging for toasting:eek:. Good old Irish economic policies... Let's not reduce the price in an attempt to lure back customers. Let's fleece the few we have left
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    The Wrestler irish release date?

    Was at a press screening on Saturday. Rourke is amazing, Tomei is super hot, but the movie isn't all that fantastic. Bit too cliched, but still worth a look. Ending is good though
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    Gig of the Year - 2008?

    Portico Quartet in Whelans Cut Copy in the Village Death Cab For Cutie in the Ambassador Lambchop in Tripod
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    Mercury nominated indie-jazz phenomenon PORTICO QUARTET in Whelan's

    This was absolutely fantastic.
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    Mercury nominated indie-jazz phenomenon PORTICO QUARTET in Whelan's

    I'll be there. Should be great.
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    First ever gig

    Mine was 90s Jazz rap combo US3 in the Olympia. Must have been 1993. Great stuff.
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    Does anyone here buy those celebrity fragrances?

    What's amazing is the Z listers who think their profile is high enough to launch a perfume. Calum Best? Melinda Messenger? Does anyone want to smell like these people?
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    Worst film you've ever seen

    The Football Factory I wanted them all to get beaten to death. Plus, Danny Dyer: what a complete tosser
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    TV ON THE RADIO, CUT COPY & more join HEINEKEN GREEN SYNERGY. Nov. 12th - 16th

    I went to Cut Copy. I thought they were great. Crowd was really into it, sound was fantastic. great gig
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    Steal My Sunshine is absolutely amazing. Cryptic Souls Crew was great too, but I thought the album was a bit patchy. Must give it another listen though. Heard that thing about Canning before. Don't think he was ever a full member, but guested or played on a few tracks.
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    CUT COPY DJing at CrawDaddy this Sat

    Produced by Tim Goldsworthy of DFA. It's a cracker of an album, far better than the first one (which was still pretty good). Really looking forward to this gig.
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    Most underappreciated band in the world I reckon. New album Rose is out in Canada only. It's absolutely magnificent. Still gloriously all over the place, stylistically. So, any love for BV3 on thumped?
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    Recommend me some Ambient/soundscapes

    Growing Those Sakamoto/Alvo Noto albums Jan Jelinek Steve Reich - Music for 18 Musicians Rachel's Greg Davis Amiina
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    Travis Morrison

    Change is brilliant, probably their best overall album although Emergency & I has some better songs, just too patchy in places. But it's quite different from ! I think. Just letting you know which D Plan you'll be getting if you check it out.
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    Travis Morrison

    Never heard Travistan, but this stuff is damn good to these D Plan-lovin' ears. Although more Change than ! it must be said.
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    Travis Morrison

    New album with the Hellfighters, All Y'All, is fantastic. Kind of like Change-era D Plan. Really pleasantly surprised at how good it is. Fucking Pitchfork pricks who nearly ruined his career with the publicity-seeking 0.0 review a few years back. Now just get him over here for a gig .|..|
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    Pub in Glenroe?

    On the subject of RTE's attitude to old shows, I emailed tham last week about Bachelors Walk. They said they have no plans for a DVD release which seems nuts given the post Once interest in John Carney.