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  • Before: Jan 2, 2008
  • Users: mamul
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  1. mamul

    new blog : the harmony of light

    some really nice things there dude. the ryan waller work is deadly.
  2. mamul

    one for mamul

    don't spose any of yis have the Dirty States of America doc? and wanna up it to rapidshare?
  3. mamul

    one for mamul

    shut up darren. man that woodgrain tune is amazing. soul glow is deadly too. you hear the new mia remix with bun b and rich boy? on diplos pitchfork mix. bun b's lyrics are amazing You can call 5-0 and 5-0 might come But by the time they arrive, boy, the dirt done been done Now one thing’s...
  4. mamul

    Live Set / DJ Mix Download Thread

    lots of streamable mixes here yo some of my faves are the yxa and jeansbjorns ones, the them jeans, the cousin cole, and pase rocks. lots more that i can't think of that rock balls.
  5. mamul


    fresh! pak man the new quasimoto? even diddy is on form hell yeah
  6. mamul

    i fell asleep at a sigur rós gig.

    i fell asleep at a supersilent gig. for a second.
  7. mamul

    Prosperity on RTE last night

    didn't see this but i wouldn't expect much, adam and paul was fairly lame. a few laughs but thats about it. expected a lot more having read all the hype but i just felt it had a bachelors walk buzz about it. i wanted something grittier.
  8. mamul

    Your favourite albums & songs for 07 so far...

    this is deadly. perfect party cd. you listen to any yxa and jeansbjorn mixes? check this and this
  9. mamul

    When The Levees Broke
  10. mamul

    When The Levees Broke

    i was joking jane, i didn't expect it to get better. sure lil wayne told me so
  11. mamul

    When The Levees Broke

    how coincidental...just started watching this last night. watched act 1 and 2. really really fucked up situation. kanye was right.. i expect in act 3 and 4 we get to see how everything was sorted eventually and its all fine now and all... no?
  12. mamul

    T-Shirt Printing

    nonsense, the detail on my nikes is amazing.
  13. mamul

    electric picnic thread style guide

    penneys on henry st were selling imitation wayfarers in red and all a few months back. maybe they still do. they cost a few euro
  14. mamul

    electric picnic thread style guide prefer these
  15. mamul

    electric picnic thread style guide

    i'm not going, but if i was i would probably sport this look
  16. mamul

    electric picnic thread style guide

    this is him on the sunday
  17. mamul

    electric picnic thread style guide

    this is what my mate dAndan will look like on saturday afternoon
  18. mamul

    electric picnic thread style guide

    this look is in
  19. mamul

    Put pictures of your sprogs here

    cheers guys!