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  • Before: Oct 22, 2014
  • Users: HMD
  • Order by date
  1. HMD


    Good first episode. although i'd say the blew their music budget on it.
  2. HMD

    Bored In Work 640

    Lego Doom
  3. HMD

    animated gif thread

  4. HMD

    iPhone 6?

    Diddles was doing a line in replacing 3GS screens for a while. She thinks it's a piece of piss.
  5. HMD

    Bored In Work 640

    Watch for 15 secs the rest is shit
  6. HMD


    Six women and one man it should read.
  7. HMD


    /yer man singing in the car,
  8. HMD

    Net neutrality and UPC

    I had similar issues years ago with UTV's DNS server. Open DNS sorted it. Now that i think about it diddles has been having the same issue.
  9. HMD

    Suicidal Tendencies

    That was a great gig
  10. HMD

    iPhone 6?

    ah, i thought you had a 5s
  11. HMD


  12. HMD


    Whats your email?
  13. HMD


    I can't get the search to find anyone
  14. HMD


    What's your usernames on it? I'm JawaLemon
  15. HMD


    Got that . thanks
  16. HMD

    iPhone 6?

    Is it not a nano sim?
  17. HMD

    iPhone 6?

    How is it?
  18. HMD


    PM sent
  19. HMD


    Anyone got an invite they want to send my way
  20. HMD

    iPhone 6?

    @pete What did you get?