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  • Before: Nov 20, 2008
  • Users: Corey
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  1. Corey

    The Sci-fi Channel

    I'm in.
  2. Corey

    US Presidential Elections 2008

    Um. Where can i watch Stewart/Colbert indecision 2008?
  3. Corey

    US Presidential Elections 2008

    I'm not.
  4. Corey

    US Presidential Elections 2008

    Who's going to electric picnic this year?
  5. Corey

    the world is seriously fucked up.

    Nothin wrong with a bit of fore-play now and then.
  6. Corey

    Who just sat on the couch crying like a 6 year old?

    Awful Quiet in Here. Pussy.
  7. Corey

    US Presidential Elections 2008

    Thank christ thats over. Live on-air Highpoints: BBC reporters taking chunks out of 'we can still win' republican supporters Bolton coming across as a total moron. And, most importantly, Sarah Palin looking like a smacked child does after being bate back up the stairs the night before...
  8. Corey

    Being Felt up by a Stranger at a Gig - GUYS ONLY THREAD

  9. Corey

    I have the horn for...

    Gooter. I hav'nt heard that in ages. Just watched Black Book there now. There she is now. Look at her.
  10. Corey

    US Presidential Elections 2008

    I'm shitting it. I really am.
  11. Corey

    I have the horn for...

    All the staff in Simon's. Jesus. I have to give it at least half an hour before i can get up after eating; and it's not because of indigestion.
  12. Corey

    A comprehensive list of shit comedians

    Dave Allen? No?
  13. Corey

    What movie did you watch last night?

    The New Bond. I liked it.I get reveiwers criticisms about it not being like any other bond film; but that just made it more watchable for me. Cracking set pieces; fuck all dialouge, and a small cast. Easy. Craig may just top Dalton as my favorite bond. The other three can fuck off.
  14. Corey

    US Presidential Elections 2008

    John sounds fierce rheumy.
  15. Corey

    Fallon and Byrne can suck my balls

    And Stay Out.
  16. Corey

    A comprehensive list of shit comedians

    Re: A comprehensive lit of shit comedians What? We're gonna bring this vast, lengthy and intricate debate on the art of comedy to a conclusion? Just like that?
  17. Corey

    A comprehensive list of shit comedians

    Re: A comprehensive lit of shit comedians I love that one.
  18. Corey

    A comprehensive list of shit comedians

    Re: A comprehensive lit of shit comedians That's not funny.
  19. Corey

    A comprehensive list of shit comedians

    Re: A comprehensive lit of shit comedians Humour is relative. This thread is pointless. I win.
  20. Corey

    A comprehensive list of shit comedians

    Re: A comprehensive lit of shit comedians This thread is easy money. There are very few really good comedians. And Harry Hill is one of them.