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  • Before: Oct 7, 2005
  • Users: La La
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. La La

    Schapelle Corby Sentenced

    20 years. fuck that's a long time, especially in an Indonesian jail. do you reckon she did it? or was it planted?
  2. La La


    it says that this section of thumped is about booze, drugs etc. i havent seen a drugs thread yet. who cares to start?
  3. La La

    how do you attach videos?

    im not really talking links, im talking the actual vidoes to your posts. cos i have a really funny one in my inbox but i dunno how to go about it.
  4. La La

    Disneyland for Gun nuts this is like a gun resort.......i wouldn't be surprised if instead of chocolates on your pillow, you get an uzi instead. you basically go (with your family if you like) and stay in the resort where you shoot guns all day long. only in america?
  5. La La


    kastrosama originally posted this pic, but i thought it'd be funny to have a captions thread. post up random pics you come across and people caption them. could be a pseudo-bored in work thing to keep y'all occupied.
  6. La La

    On/Off star in a brand new advert!!!!!!

    you saw it here.
  7. La La

    Poor little bunny rabbit

    in the red corner we have in the blue corner we have either way, looks like he's heading for the !bog (even though it's a big joke.......................i hope)
  8. La La

    bad bad sunburn

    i was having fun kayaking with some friends on monday.......until i saw my feet. the gloopy stuff is aloe vera. what;s your worst sunburn story?
  9. La La

    attaching pictures......

    alright. so sometimes i can attach pictures, but only when it's from a blank webpage with a pic on it. is there any way to add your own pics that arent on the web and also to attach pics that may be on a webpage (and you just want to post the picture) i may have confused this issue more...
  10. La La

    The next time you go fishing in the Liffey.....

    Fisherman hooks £275k drug haul An Irish fishermen accidentally caught a £275,000 drugs haul when he hooked a bale of cannabis hidden in a river. The fly-fisher spent much of the afternoon trying to drag his line from the River Liffey in County Wicklow. But when he finally landed his...
  11. La La

    The next time you go fishing in the Liffey.....

    Fisherman hooks £275k drug haul An Irish fishermen accidentally caught a £275,000 drugs haul when he hooked a bale of cannabis hidden in a river. The fly-fisher spent much of the afternoon trying to drag his line from the River Liffey in County Wicklow. But when he finally landed his...
  12. La La

    Angora Static

    when Angora Static played with Kaospilot last year (good friday in frazers) their distro was only selling vinyl. did anyone get one and if so would they be able to tape it for me or something? been meaning to follow up after that gig; they were amazing. plus i'm not well versed in the ways of...
  13. La La

    Vegetarian Vodka made with soy it's gluten free so now coeliacs can get pissed too without a care in the world; and carb free aswell so the brainless atkins generation can have a guilt free sipeen too.
  14. La La

    Mr T versus Everything
  15. La La

    WTO 2005

    It's this december in Hong Kong as i'm sure you're aware. It's pretty far away, but if you start cycling now, you should be here in time for all the action. (It takes about ten months to cycle here.) The cops have been doing demo's with their new riot gear already in anticipation of it. hard to...
  16. La La

    Only in Hong Kong

  17. La La

    Put Your Face on a Sandwich

    jesus christ. first some mad bitch over in the states sells her old mouldy sandwich on ebay for thousands, claiming that you could see the face of the 'virgin' mary in it. now, courtesy of the internet, you can put your face on a sandwich.
  18. La La


    ps im not trying to steal the thunder of the previous birthday message