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  • Before: Oct 7, 2005
  • Users: La La
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. La La

    not so Plane sailing

    i've flown in heaps of planes, but with 4 crashes in the last few weeks, it's starting to freak me out a little bit. i know there are heaps of nasty ways to die, but i have to say, dying in a plane that plummets from the sky would be really awful. now im getting afraid of flying :eek: :(...
  2. La La

    The Dating Game

    what's the absolute worst dating experience you've ever had?
  3. La La

    Breatharianism....what a load of codswallop!

    i just came across a strict fruitarian/vegan website about this guy who is trying to morph into eating nothing at all; by definition, a Breatharian. what the fuck? everyone's a fruit and nut case apparently.
  4. La La


    i'm obsessed with it. anyone else?
  5. La La

    Prom in the Hood

    'nuff said.
  6. La La

    Leaving Cert Pointz

    jaysus, the sister just called me and got 520! what a braino. at least i can relax now... any other worried siblings out there?
  7. La La

    Life and Limb

    would you risk your life to help someone else? like if you passed a burning house and heard a baby screaming inside, would you really go inside and try and get it out, knowing full well you might not make it?
  8. La La

    Kent - Du & Jag Döden

    apparently these guys from Sweden have been around since 1990. i'm reviewing their new cd.....the first track is really good, rest of the album is so so, but still. have i had my head in the sand or have many of you guys been listening to this band before? not what i'd usually consider my cup...
  9. La La

    'Temporary Name'

    i think the temporary nature of the lifestyle name is starting to segue into a more permanent state. do you all think it's time for an overhaul? if you could change the 'lifestyle' threads, under what name would they be? i had heaps of sweets for lunch and now i feel sick. :(
  10. La La

    Navigating the Dail

    just to be annoying. but seriously though, what a place of despair. they dragged us there on a school trip to watch bertie and co bleat on about shite. we had to sit up high behind these plexiglass windows. i'd rather have watched my nails growing.
  11. La La

    Hot Piece of Grass

    holy shit! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH this is an hilarious album; i've just been given it to review. Hayseed Dixie giving green day, black sabbath and led zeppelin the banjo treatment. hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahaha .|..|
  12. La La

    Throwing Stuff at Christmas

    did santa ever give you a lump of coal?
  13. La La

    La La vs Moby Dick

    i asked him if he'd rather fuck a live animal or a dead one.* *no i didn't.
  14. La La

    Moby Dick

    right, well i just heard that I have to interview Moby next thursday. what should I ask him? if your question is original enough, I might just have to make him answer it. !cheezy
  15. La La

    What do you work as?

    since most of us post here a helluva lot, i figure most of you have desk jobs. what kind of job? do you like it? realistically, do you think you'll be doing it forever? me: journalist it's ok probably not. but then again....probably.
  16. La La

    Knife At A Gunfight

    well, i dont think many would disagree - knife at a gunfight in connor's house after the basta gig was feckin deadly! i have heaps of pics plus short video of the gig which i will try to post up on photobucket asap. .|..|
  17. La La

    deleted threads

    yo when threads are deleted that i've posted on, my post count goes down from what it originally was......... even though the trhead is deleted i still posted on it, so shouldnt my number of posts made stay the same? (actually this isnt a life or death thing, im just mad bored in work)
  18. La La

    2005 Dublin Tattoo Convention This Weekend

    just a reminder that the 5th Dublin Tattoo Convention will be taking place this weekend in the SFX from the 17th to 19th. artists from all over the place, should be good, even if The Things are apparently playing.
  19. La La

    holy jesus christ almighty

    this guy surfaced on a sex offender database. and apparently this pic hasn't been doctored.
  20. La La

    A Scanner Darkly

    my friend rudhraigh keeps bleating on about this. sounds like its gonna be amazing. and i do love Richard Linklater.....