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  • Before: Jul 7, 2023
  • Users: Reets
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  1. R

    General election 2020

    Does anyone read The Ditch? I think Martin is trying to say they’re funded by Russia or something (I’ll need to read todays Dail transcripts) but I don’t think we’re high up on Russias hit list to be bothered.
  2. R

    Wedding Music

    It’s also the only song I learned how to swing dance to.
  3. R

    Wedding Music

    What about The Time Warp?
  4. R

    Hellworld Thread

    “Lee was arrested at a takeaway nearby, the hearing was told – as gulls were heard calling out beyond the walls of the court.”
  5. R

    Happy Birthday, seanc

    HaPpY bIrThDaY
  6. R

    Minor complaints thread

    I’ve only ever bought 1 song on iTunes and it was Will Oldham’s cover of Puff the magic dragon. I don’t know what’s happened to my phone the last few days but it keeps randomly playing it at full volume, probably about 20 times the last few days including when I was on a Teams call with my...
  7. R

    Moving to the sticks

    I’m good at holding ladders and don’t mind painting, so give me a shout if you end up doing it.
  8. R

    Moving to the sticks

    Are you looking to do up something for yourself or to build and sell on? I’ve moved my own search from Meath to maybe Laois but I thought there were a lot of pyrite issues there so a bit wary. Basically I’m not ready to be too far away from Hives yet, in a definitely non co-dependent way.
  9. R

    Major Complaints Thread

    I’m really sorry to hear that egg, it’s rough on the whole family and not just your Dad. There’s some good support groups out there for family members, whenever you feel up to checking them out.
  10. R


    Looks like it’s being redeveloped, it’s the two bales in the middle of the estate that are confusing me. Lots of areas marked for redevelopment but there’s no where to move people to while the work is being done so most have stalled. I think the Pearse House redevelopment was supposed to start 4...
  11. R

    Minor complaints thread

    I had to go in to Leinster house for a bit today. I didn’t realise that the dress I was wearing kept getting caught on my bag and lifting up until I finally noticed a breeze. Then walking back down Pearse st, some Italian tourists ran over to me to explain that my skirt was (yet again) over my...
  12. R

    Moving to the sticks

    I’ve already got both those houses in Meath saved for a viewing in a while.
  13. R

    General election 2020

    The domestic leave part was SFs Louise O’Reillys private members bill. Government realised it was a good idea so now there’s a watered down version being shoehorned in to the bill.
  14. R

    Minor complaints thread

    Mountain whorehose might be the best combination of words I’ve read this year. Thank you.
  15. R

    General election 2020

    Whitmore and Gannon are doing a fairly big press conference now. If Cairns is the only one in the running, I’m guessing they don’t have to bother with an election l.
  16. R

    Your work situation

    Good idea. I’m keeping track of it but my memory is shit at the best of times.
  17. R

    Your work situation

    My AP (2 grandes above me) has been out sick a little over 5 months now. We have someone giving us a bit of a hand but I’m doing close to half the work, as well as my own. Getting a bit sick of it at this stage and all the “You’re doing a great job!” aren’t exactly making the work any easier...
  18. R

    General election 2020

    Cairns is a genuinely decent TD, but there isn’t a thought that she doesn’t express on her face. I don’t know if that will get her in trouble or endear her to people. Pretty sure there’s a twitter page about it even. She seems to be clued in on most things and hasn’t been too proud to ask other...
  19. R

    General election 2020

    I wouldn’t have thought Cairns would want it just yet but she’s been raising her profile in the party the last year, so who knows. I like Cairns a lot, and don’t know Gannon that well but I’ve a feeling he would be a better choice right now.
  20. R

    Your work situation

    Yesterday I thought I was going to mess up so badly today that it’d make the news. Things ended up going really well and everyone was delighted. There’s always next week though.