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  • Before: Jul 9, 2009
  • Users: Danny_Mc
  • Order by date
  1. Danny_Mc

    Constantly changing password?

    I've been tryingto use my ebay account for the last few days but every time I try to log in my password won't work. I keep having to use the "forgot password" button and then come up with a new password! I've done this countless times now and each and every time it tells me that the...
  2. Danny_Mc

    John Lydon's New Butter Advert...

    explain? :confused:
  3. Danny_Mc

    Photos from the scene

    would x3
  4. Danny_Mc

    paranoid visions / dirty love / mouthpiece

    Nice poster! :cool:
  5. Danny_Mc

    Bored In Work 328

    Can't find the video either.... Aha
  6. Danny_Mc

    Photos from the scene

  7. Danny_Mc

    Photos from the scene

    That's cos he's covering up half his face! I kid....I kid because I love
  8. Danny_Mc


    Three pages in and I have no fucking idea what the hell is going on in this thread....:confused:
  9. Danny_Mc

    bonjour, ola ,etc etc

    They speak a bit of French in 'Nam too don't they?
  10. Danny_Mc

    Punk Babes thread

  11. Danny_Mc

    The Crystal Maze Outtakes

    Y'know Eddie "Tenpole" Tudor is a direct descendent of King Henry (VIII) Tudor! Fascinating stuff eh kids..?
  12. Danny_Mc

    Yet another cans /bottles at gigs thread

    Fucksakes! Surely no one on these board would do that after all the talk about it! I guess it's going to come down to searching bags at the door eh?
  13. Danny_Mc

    Ska Night in Bohs, 20th September

    Was a good night after a quiet start! Taking out a few bulbs made all the difference!! As soon as it got a wee bit darker people got up to dance :)
  14. Danny_Mc

    Club Racán - September 18th - Paranoid Visions and Ructions!

    Which fellah Kenn? Not "The Bouncer"? Although his mate did get me to pose for a photo on his phone!! Hmmm I'll get him a Ructions shirt and he can be our "minder"
  15. Danny_Mc

    Club Racán - September 18th - Paranoid Visions and Ructions!

    He's not as cute as Annabel though...
  16. Danny_Mc

    Club Racán - September 18th - Paranoid Visions and Ructions!

    Ludo did a great job... if only he'd agree to a haircut!! :)
  17. Danny_Mc

    Club Racán - September 18th - Paranoid Visions and Ructions!

    This is the mighty Dunner of Sex Pistols T shirt in court fame! Link
  18. Danny_Mc

    Club Racán - September 18th - Paranoid Visions and Ructions!

    That fools mate was trying to get him to calm down and sit down but yer man was all riled up and giving folk the evil eye! His mate stormed off disgusted with him!
  19. Danny_Mc

    Club Racán - September 18th - Paranoid Visions and Ructions!

    That "security" lad was a bit strange eh? Who gets drunk and decides... "right seeing as I'm wearing a T shirt that says "Event Staff" on it, I'll just hop in there and be a bouncer for the night" :rolleyes: Good job he wasn't wearing a Superman T shirt, god knows what might have...
  20. Danny_Mc

    Club Racán - September 18th - Paranoid Visions and Ructions!

    You sure about this? Seems a bit late for a regular pub....:confused: