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  1. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    i don't know why i bother responding to you! the photos are of dead victims, yes, but who says they died from gassing?? they died from a combination of typhus and starvation and most deaths occured in the last few months of the war because of allied bombing of supply lines. zyklon b the gas was...
  2. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    lol! it does seem as if they did go to hollywood! they went to usa, russia and palestine and other countries. there is no evidence to suggest that was even 5 1/2 million jews in pre war europe. i haven't time to look for a link for that yet. even tv 'documentries' say that the minutes did not...
  3. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    do you not find it suspicious that a minority of people run the majority of the world? i am not against power or autority. i am against jewish capitalism. i am against the jews running everything and brainwashing us through hollywood and the media.
  4. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    so much to answer. so little time. you want to know about me. well i am not giving away personal details. i am not disclosing my age, location or occupation. i came up with my views through studying facts, history and statistics and a little common sense goes a long way. no particular movement...
  5. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    well i have to go now and do more interesting things. i shall return when i need a laugh!!
  6. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    i and so many more know for a fact they didn't exist. how can i answer a question about agreeing or disagreeing with something that i know didn't happen??? the final solution was as it says in the minute of the wansee conference of 1942 was to emmigrate all of the jews out of europe, not...
  7. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge! is good. is worth reading
  8. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    no gas chambers are not ok and no they didn't exist!
  9. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge! i am guessing that all you people are against israels persecution of palestine. if it wasn't for sympathy from the holoco$t israel would never have existed. israel wouldn't exist now if it wasn't for the usa. my...
  10. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    if anyone is interested in revisionism sean hyland from the reo has a site that's pretty good for an introduction
  11. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    if anyone is interested in revisionism sean hyland from the reo has a site that's pretty good for an introduction
  12. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    it was dropped by the holocaust lobby! that is fact. they also dropped the electric plate extermination method story along with more before finally settling with the gas chamber story.
  13. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    i said that the nazis wouldn't let jews into the ss or armed forces. a basic reason for disliking jews is that they run hollywood, the media, america and so on. what they say goes. they have blackened the name of germany forever. yes hitler and the nazis put jews in concentration camps and took...
  14. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    ouch that hurts! :D "soap and lampshades" whats' this about?? if you knew anything about the holocaust you would know that that story was dropped years ago along with many others. i am a revisionist but i couldn't be bothered talking about it to yous. if anyone is interested they can email me...
  15. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    well it proves latex lizzie wrong. she said the germans had the same plans for us as they did for the jews, jews were certainly not allowed into the ss!
  16. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    some more:
  17. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    WRONG! i don't know where you heard that. there was even a well known irish man in the ss, unterscharfuhrer james brady. here is a brief article about him: "and now off to the ovens with us" LOL!! silly girl!
  18. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    all i can do is laugh at you 'people'! it's a pity we have so many reds in ireland, at least they spend their valuable time on forum boards talking about punk music and how much they hate nazis. although we have too many reds, i am very pleased that ones we have are so worthless! all you do is...
  19. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    Attention! Ireland's new band! Blood Purge Ireland's new politically and racially aware band:
  20. R

    Attention! Ireland's new band! Blood Purge

    Blood Purge, Ireland's new band: