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  1. R

    where's ragnorak? what does your link prove? it says "From the smoke billowing from the incinerator of the Auschwitz concentration camp in which millions of Jews were murdered by the Nazis" incinerators were used to burn bodies. but bodies of murder victims!? no! them photos were taken...
  2. R

    blood purge vs mark white

    who is mark white? he signed the blood purge guestbook. or else it was someone pretending to be him.
  3. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    correct. it is pure shite. schindler wasn't such a nice man as the film made out either
  4. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    i do not hate jews just because hitler hates them. you are dumb to think that. jewish world leaders, none, besides as you mention israel. how much of the music industry, the media, hollywood, tv is controlled by them, nearly all of it!! that kind of power is worth more than ruling a few nations...
  5. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    we are losing the world to non-whites. whites will be a minority soon. what about women? well if blacks are physically supeior (i am sure you agree) then we and they are not equal!!! that's one simple example.
  6. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    "you are a total nutzoid by the way" you have hurt my feelings! LOL! you are correct in what you say that we are losing it. we only really started to lose it since the end of world war II.
  7. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    LOL! you have changed your tune! :D i have to go anyway, things to do unlike some.
  8. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    races all have thier differant traits. like blacks are sometimes physically superior, jews have a great money sense and are loyal to fellow jews, etc. but whites conquered the world. and now we are losing it. why am i racist? why aren't you? i differeniate between races because we are...
  9. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    i understand that i am on a forum consiting mainly of liberals, youth and lefties. you cannot influence my opinions in anyway. all i'm reading is "you are fuck" or some stupid little insults. no one is debating my points or providing any facts. no i am not wrong.
  10. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    i did not write that article. they are not my 'fellow man'. "arsehole" you really know how to insult someone, don't you?? LOL!
  11. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    rubbish. mixing whites with whites is the only way. you should read a bit of racial athropology. facts, statistics and history says that mixing non whites with whites is very bad for whites and the nations it takes place. whites are disappearing. we created this world. we conquered africa, they...
  12. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    all i know of is blood purge and ketzer and there is another one that i can't think of at the moment. there is a great band called cruachan. they are not wp but they mix trad with metal with a sexy female singer. they sing about irish mythology. well worth checking out. i guess they would be...
  13. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    today is what it is because of the events of yesteryear. history is very important.
  14. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    who sid i was of "brits out" opinion. i believe in the 32 counties. that's all i am going to say about that at the moment. i do not like combat 18 at all, not many people do. they are too extreme and give white nationalists a bad name.
  15. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    i cannot comment about the celtic wolves.
  16. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    LOL! you are quite right.
  17. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    i have seen the lotr films but i am not really into them so i have no answers reagarding that subject. i am not a religious man. i was brought up catholic, i didn't drop it because i was an 'anti semite', i dropped it as i think for myself as i said earlier. i cannot believe in something which...
  18. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    people seem to forget that there is racism towards whites.
  19. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    i think for myself. i was as all others brought up swallowing the holocaust story. but i always questioned it. i came across revisionism and i compared both sides. revisionism makes sense, the holocaust doesnt. then i learned about who controls everything and it made even more sense. revisionism...
  20. R

    Great new band! Blood Purge!

    i am trying to answer as many posts that i can here. if i have bad spelling, i am sorry but i am typing fast as i haven't much time.