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  1. sweetoblivion

    I have the horn for...

    fair play to ya Johnny! ;) People that good looking scare me :eek: In the pic above, the wan on the left looks like the girl out of flAPES (whose name I can't remember, sorry).
  2. sweetoblivion

    I have the horn for...

    is there such a thing as too good looking? ;)
  3. sweetoblivion

    World's Most Expensive Record?

    weird, the UK release of the single 'Son of Sam' sells pretty well - it's deleted now. I have a copy of that. I have a Canadian Universal promo CD of 'XO' but it's not listed anywhere. I don't know why I keep...
  4. sweetoblivion

    Ham Sandwich pregnancy story on TLC

    and I thought my credit card bill was bad!!
  5. sweetoblivion

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    I hated it, it made me furious :D sorry Crucio!
  6. sweetoblivion

    World's Most Expensive Record?

    cheers for the link! Nah no bubble burst, I don't expect that any of my stuff is worth loads. It's probably worth more in sentimental value to fans, y'know?
  7. sweetoblivion

    I have the horn for...

    Their cheekbones are frightening. I interviewed him, sadly it was a phoner. He has a very cute way of speaking. Moar hotties, both of whom have featured here before. They'd both get it, obviously. If Heath was alive, I mean....
  8. sweetoblivion

    World's Most Expensive Record?

    It was the last release before he died as well if I remember rightly, so for fans it would be worth quite a bit. I think I picked it up Chicago too. Ah well, it's only one seller putting it at that price. I wouldn't sell mine, it means too much :)
  9. sweetoblivion

    World's Most Expensive Record?

    I can't find anything worth big money, I have a few Elliott Smith things worth a few bob but nothing major, like this if I remember correctly: I thought this one would be worth more:
  10. sweetoblivion

    World's Most Expensive Record?

    thanks dude, you're very kind :) Daydream Nation's been telling me to join discogs for ages, I do browse through it for info but must join alright and get a want list together.
  11. sweetoblivion

    Your blog.

    Have a few new things on the blog - a piece on Junior85 and his EP project, and an interview with "Quote", a band who are playing here next week.
  12. sweetoblivion

    Dublinstreets had better step up its game

    Re: Dublinstreets had better step up it's game here, here
  13. sweetoblivion

    Dublinstreets had better step up its game

    Re: Dublinstreets had better step up it's game God guy's would ye like yeer tea's and coffee's now while u reed the tread or wot?
  14. sweetoblivion

    Dublinstreets had better step up its game

    Re: Dublinstreets had better step up it's game the original point was wrong, ergo it is no exception.
  15. sweetoblivion

    Dublinstreets had better step up its game

    Re: Dublinstreets had better step up it's game well, before someone stabs someone over an apostrophe, here's a picture of someone who looks like they should be on Thumped.
  16. sweetoblivion

    Dublinstreets had better step up its game

    Re: Dublinstreets had better step up it's game It's not an exception though... Sorry, I am a grammar nazi, I know. !zed
  17. sweetoblivion

    Dublinstreets had better step up its game

    Re: Dublinstreets had better step up it's game 'I like that cat because it's got its hat on' 'it has' = 'it's' because you are combining the two words. 'its' because it does not take an apostrophe in the possessive case.
  18. sweetoblivion

    Dublinstreets had better step up its game

    Re: Dublinstreets had better step up it's game Yep.
  19. sweetoblivion

    World's Most Expensive Record?

    Yeah it was re-released in 2004 alright! May have had something to do with a KFC advert it was apparently in?
  20. sweetoblivion

    One day I'll be able to DJ like this....

    wow, you're a regular comedian ootini, lol roflmao!!!!!!