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  1. rettucs


    Wordle 1,122 5/6* ⬜⬜🟨⬜⬜ 🟩⬜⬜🟨⬜ 🟩⬜🟩⬜🟩 🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  2. M

    Minor complaints thread

    Ghosts of trains?
  3. ann post

    Minor complaints thread

    Well mine is in Donegal so I can probably rule out the trains.
  4. Deadmanposting


    Bugger Wordle 1,122 4/6 🟩🟨⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛🟨⬛ 🟩🟨🟩🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  5. S

    Minor complaints thread

    Well now, I used to live down the street from where I currently live. One night I said the TV reception gets rubbish when it rains a lot, or when a heavy truck passes. Housemates thought I was another conspiracy theory nut, as we had a few of them living with us. But I have the same problems...
  6. S

    2020-21 Football thread

    I missed the whole thing because work. I wished the England team no specific harm*. It's not like Spain have some kind of plucky underdog story I could get into. Also, Spain is the only European international team I've seen live. Their fans were described by my colleagues as "posh weirdos" and...
  7. N

    Unpopular Opinions

    You can't say that on Sky News! You see, lots of England fans are sound - but the media aren't. A decision is pending whether to ban Israel from international football by 20-7-24. Send Gianni Infantino (FIFA president) a message on Instagram demanding Israel is banned.
  8. N


    Yeah - that is very true. I posted 600+ times between Dec. 2004 - autumn 2006. Then I lost interest and for a decade or slightly longer and did no more than 40 posts p.a. Since about 2018 I went really OTT and I went from 1000 posts in March 2020 (1st lockdown) to 6,200+ now. A popular...
  9. flashback

    US politics

    I'm gonna do my extremist thing, but I think you have to take the position that Biden loses, and work backwards from there. Trump's narrative is I'm a tough guy gangster, a bit like 50 cent, only white. Getting sniped at by some eejit is going to solidify this no end. From now on we're going to...
  10. S

    Minor Pleasures

    So all the pubs have a 01:00 licence tonight around here. It's messy but not total carnage. I was supposed to be at work until 04:00, but for various reasons I left at 23:30. To the pub! Anyway, quite strangely a single decker Dublin bus drove by. I didn't catch the number, but even my friends...
  11. S


    You do have "a relationship" with all of us. 'sayin.
  12. N

    2020-21 Football thread

    Copa America Final - Colombia v Argentina just about to k.o. @ 1:30 am. Too late for me.
  13. N


    I am totally OK with who I am. I'd rather be understood than ''loved''. I think many people put too much pressure on themselves and rate themselves too much - competitive types. Then you get folks who put themselves down - ''I look terrible - I don't look like when I was 20 anymore!''. I...
  14. nooleen


    That's not true, you shouldn't talk about yourself like that ❤️
  15. Jill Hives


    Agreed 100%
  16. pete


    Wordle 1,122 6/6* 🟨⬜⬜⬜⬜ 🟩⬜🟩⬜⬜ 🟩⬜🟩⬜⬜ 🟩⬜🟩⬜⬜ 🟩⬜🟩⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  17. N

    Unpopular Opinions

    You couldn't imagine Emi Martinez getting upset about anything . He is the boss of shit housery. Virgil should prank call Pickford.
  18. N

    US politics

    The security folks w/ Obama in Moneygall in 2011 (??) come to mind. He and Michelle walked up the street and shook hands with everyone. "How's the craic Barack?" so it got fairly stressful for security. Some kids said afterwards "I shook hands with Barack four times!"
  19. N

    2020-21 Football thread

    Second half was excellent, the first not too memorable. Spain's wingers were really dangerous. Apart from the double save / clearance from Rice / Saka, Cole Palmer's goal was one of very few chances England had. Only Watkins miscontrolling the ball when he was almost through on goal comes to...
  20. chris d

    2020-21 Football thread

    Entertaining game to be fair. Any finals I watch (champions league mainly) seem to be pretty turgid.