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  1. Kermit McDermott

    US politics

    Other than almost getting his head blown off the other day....Its all lining up nicely for Donny.
  2. pete

    Space is the Place
  3. S

    Unpopular Opinions

    Shur who'd be having time for rice anyway.
  4. flashback


    This concept of using a single number to define intelligence, as if it were a one dimensional quantity, is funny though. There's loads of dimensions to intelligence for want of a better word. Like some people are good at seeing certain patterns, some are good at reading people, or situations...
  5. ernesto

    Unpopular Opinions

    That must be how ye dry it after it’s boiled
  6. S

    Unpopular Opinions

    I once did a ugh to a guy for being an Arsenal fan. He's always giving me the big Oirish Schtick, which I obviously hate. Us Paddy's have to stick togevah', yeah fuck off you plastic, gooner prick. Turns out he's closely related to this guy:
  7. ernesto

    Minor complaints thread

    Your house in Donegal gets barely any signal, Of anything. You’ve a fuck tonne of trees beside you and you’re in a kind of lil valley on a hill. I recall having to leave my phone propped up against the top front bedroom window to get one bar of 3G to hotspot from. Mind you that was like 8 or 9...
  8. R


    Keep the fire burning. Justified rage keeps me warm at night. I think I'm angrier now than I was 20 years ago and dont take the same shit I used to. I've seem too many things being done to and said about women I care for, and that pisses me off a million times more then when it happens to me.
  9. JohnnyRaz


    Don’t confuse an ability to argue on the internet with intelligence!
  10. nooleen


    Mostly you
  11. pete

    Bored In Work 1199

  12. pete

    Forthcoming TV trailers

  13. pavlos

    New music for 2024

  14. S

    Minor Pleasures

    I'm fully expecting a phone call asking me to go there and be a part of the unfucking team. "BUT IT'S FOR THE OLYMPICS!!?". Then I'll get there and spend most of the time waiting around. And then it'll be show time, and it'll be fine.
  15. Cormcolash

    Minor Pleasures

    It's probably low key because of how it's organised - there's only been 2 new facilities built, everything else is planned to use existing stadiums and infrastructure in order to be as renewable/sustainable as possible.
  16. S

    Minor Pleasures

    I recently spoke to someone who had been working in Paris for that. I said that I'd forgotten that the Olympics were happening, what with everything else that's going on. He sighed and rolled his eyes and said "I don't think they even know it's happening, by the looks of things". It's the most...
  17. Cormcolash

    Minor Pleasures

    Maybe it's an Irish Olympic bus
  18. Cormcolash

    2020-21 Football thread

  19. Cormcolash


    Yeah, it's only like 99% of us
  20. Cormcolash

    European and local elections 2024

    Think there's a programme on RTE tonight about the 'new' councillors – half of them are racist shitheads.