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  • Before: Feb 27, 2003
  • Users: rumpus
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  1. rumpus

    Bored in Work 10

    just finished a tuna sagmwich needed it...hungover from "celebrating" my redundancee...
  2. rumpus

    nice working with you

    I was thinking I might just walk the earth....get in adventures.... is that possible in this modern world? Just to walk the earth and get in adventures? Where do I sign up for that? Like the littlest hobbo.
  3. rumpus

    nice working with you

    yessir mail me Anthony yer right. It's like money. We think it's real, but it's not.
  4. rumpus

    nice working with you

    what I did? I was a technical writer / author / online content type guy.
  5. rumpus

    nice working with you

    Statutory minimum. These guys are cowboys. We, 3 quarters of the comany, were their expendible cattle.
  6. rumpus

    nice working with you

    I've lost me job . I've been made redundant. I'll be about for a few more days, using this place as a job seeking agency. So soon you will be hearing little or nothing from me. any jobs?:( :confused: :( :confused: :( !bog
  7. rumpus

    Bored in Work 10

    oh pointy eyes oh poiny pointy anoint my head anointy nointy
  8. rumpus

    Bored in Work 10

    well hoppercus, if that scarey guy in yer avatar is saying anything, he's saying "moooooon"
  9. rumpus

    Corpo in Whelans Wednesday 28/8

    I knew you'd say hup eventually. They all say hup in the end.;)
  10. rumpus

    Bored in Work 10

    be Jaysus Binky, I've been learning how to use that Dasher program since you poted's making me head spin.. I'm hooked on it
  11. rumpus

    Ballroom #3

    Snakes not joking! This Barcelona girl must be a right slut
  12. rumpus

    Ballroom #3

    cannae wait!
  13. rumpus

    Corpo in Whelans Wednesday 28/8

    And now I want to use THIS line as my signature....ahhh...what a tangled web we weave...
  14. rumpus

    Corpo in Whelans Wednesday 28/8

    Well, Old asked for some speedy and he got some. everything here seems to be in order.
  15. rumpus


    I think 1000+'ers should get a special letter from HRH pete.
  16. rumpus

    Bored in Work 10

    sunday night makes me feel like I just lost my wallet It even starts kicking in at about 3pm
  17. rumpus

    Bored in Work 10

    quit smoking recently, so no light...but feeling proud ...and to scared to talk... The track playing now is called 'meltdown' it's some kind of freeform modern clanky stabbing noise with strings ....and it's givign me the fear. AND I'm writing about internet security...
  18. rumpus

    Bored in Work 10

    I'm listening to the soundtrack of requiem for a dream.... I'm reliving the movie I fucking terrified. :(
  19. rumpus

    the Email

    I had the same problem for months... Then I registered for ther 5th time and finally got the mail It seems to be some kind of inauguration challenge....testing how much you care.....
  20. rumpus

    Arthouse clearout

    1st dibs!! there I sid it.