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  1. telford collier

    Anyone seen that new ad for 2FM?

    That ad's bad but not quite as bad as the Fruice ad.. I
  2. telford collier


    Maybe 'Fuckin Wasps' could get their shit together for one last show as support
  3. telford collier

    Your Larry David moment

    When Dalek played here a few years ago they had an asian/black turntablist who at the time was wearing a brown leather trenchcoat. As we were all saying goodbye, my mate, for no apparent reason said, (refering to the coat): 'Keep it brown man'. To which he replied: 'Ya man, keep it caucasian'...
  4. telford collier

    Are P.E.P. pills really legal?

    LSD is not for everyone. dont try and find out the hard way if you're inclined to wobblies
  5. telford collier

    Wowee Zowee special edition

    Joke. the guy on the dvd from kroq? the funny part?
  6. telford collier

    Wowee Zowee special edition

    If it wasn't for K-ROCK no one would have ever heard of Pavement
  7. telford collier

    33 years on...

    America, fuck ya.
  8. telford collier

    Have you ever seen an actual "Special" Guest

    David yow with The Melvins at Slint ATP was fairly special although they hadn't listed a special guest...
  9. telford collier

    What band did you see last night?

    Saw Lite on Friday in the Boatclub in Limerick and they were great. Very worthy Jap instrumental rock. Great turnout for a Limerick gig for once which was also great
  10. telford collier

    Was anyone on Blackboard Jungle

    that was great at rugby matches when we were losin, which we invariably did.. that and "cresent girls are easy" and "lets go fuckin mental"
  11. telford collier

    celebrity footballers

    Gary Doherty.... just like gettin kicked by a donkey i'd reckon
  12. telford collier


    Steve "Sarcastic Mr. Fox" Ryan strikes a blow for funny...
  13. telford collier

    Mastodon- Blood Mountain

    new video on myspace, pretty deadly
  14. telford collier

    Electric Picnic on the tellybox

    whoah! didn't realise you were at the gates taking numbers. they must have just done it to me i guess
  15. telford collier


    gailge for twat
  16. telford collier

    Why do you make music and for how long more?

    I was briefly involved with a few fairly naff bands but haven't done anything in about 3/4 years besides a few impromptu jams all of which i enjoyed thoroughly. the prospect of being in a band and taking it someway seriously is a really daunting prospect now for some reason, even though i used...
  17. telford collier

    Electric Picnic on the tellybox

    Last year you could bring booze into the festival from the campsite as long as it didn't have a cap and it wasn't a glass bottle. load up your two litres of wine/ bucky, bring bottle cap in pocket and you're in business.
  18. telford collier

    woman vs bear

    Did anyone see that movie "grizzly man"? surreal documentary of deranged closet homosexual eco warrior who spent 13 summers living with grizzly bears in remote alaska eventually being mauled and killed by them on video (which you don't get to see). definitly worth a watch, completely zany...
  19. telford collier

    Haram|Sea Dog|Les Enfants Terrible - The Boat Club|Sunday August 20th|Limerick

    Sea Dog wailed, didn't stay for too much of Haram but they seemed ok. Another fairly naff turnout for a Limerick gig, it's a pity.
  20. telford collier

    ESG - TBMC - Fri Nov 17th

    This will be great